
Why is cocaine expensive?

by Guest57185  |  earlier

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I've never done it before, and prob won't ever unless its free...its just too plain expensive..

but yeah anybody have any idea to why its so expensive?? I mean its a popular substance...just curious..thanks




  1. It's expensive because of the risk associated with the demand. In Columbia, it's two to three dollars a gram. However, to get to foreign countries where it is illegal it requires paying people to smuggle it. By the time it gets here, not only is it $50-75 a gram, but it is also cut with anything. Selling cocaine is severely punished in the US. So, if you're going to take the risk, you might as well get rich doing it.

  2. You're digging your own grave by even having the idea of doing Cocaine... idiot

  3. 1.  It is illegal.  

    2.  its got to be imported

    3.  people selling it to you can get in a lot of trouble if caught

    4.  it is very addictive

  4. again these people dont know what they are talking about. if you do coke you wont get addicted if you just do it a couple times. im not promoting you to do it. im just saying. ive done coke at least 15 times and it is expensive. and to tell you the truth. its not that good. it makes you feel ok. but its expensive cuz it also costs alot to make it. they have to be making money. therefore they will charge as much as they want comparing to how much it cost to make it. if it cost little its probably not good and therefore it will be cheaper.

  5. Because of the markups taken after it is made by poor people.  It goes through a series of downsteps until it gets to the last buyer.  At each downstep substantial profit is taken.

  6. Thank God it is expensive. Deadly too.

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