
Why is college considered to be the happiest days for egyptians ?

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different generations

grand parent parents grand children on said so why?




  1. There is just one word to describe college days: FREEDOM.  Maybe this was felt more in the past as Egyptian girls didn't have as much freedom as today's girls.  Her outings were usually with her mother or aunt and visits were always to family members or close friends.  So college meant a whole new world to her.  Going and coming alone, meeting new people, new friends away from her old classmates and also going on trips she would have never dreamt of going to during school.  No more school uniform and buying a totally new wardrobe specially for university days.  Her personality starts to appear and she isn't overshadowed by her parents anymore. Then comes love, engagement and maybe marriage.  See, it's a totally different world. Ah, I forgot, nomore sandwiches taken from home, but outings to different take away booths and lots of ramrama. I know that today this might be the normal thing for a school girl so the change in university will be different, so we're wwaiting for you to give us all the details.

  2. what are you talking about

  3. you will know it was really my happiest day also I'm not grand I'm 27 years old but really it was my happiest day ever may be after feeling responsible we love the day which we was have no big responsibility me and my friends were study together have fun together you know i was in high cinema institute so a part of our study is to watch every new movie so i remember we were 22 ppl went to the theater  my friends was more than 40 ppl now i have maximum 5 friends so can you see the difference

    any how which faculty you enter

  4. ana tale3 tanya gam3a 2awel sana kanet 3adya gedan nothing special at all bazaker we wanga7 we khalas  mesh shayef en el gam3a 7elwa ya3ni, 3adya zay ay sana fel madrasa bas el mozakra betakhtalaf shewaya

  5. im not sure about why exactly but my thoughts about this is cause,there finally done with high school,some can go to college if they want some dont,and the ones that dont are probably happy there done with schooling an the ones that do go to college im guessing are also happy because there done with  A BIG step an now all they have to do is go college an after that they will be done with everything,an some people i guess are happy about the college days because they get to see there friends ect like that....

    im not sure if i was right about my answer for your topic... but i hope i was atleastttttt closeeee lol

  6. because the learner becomes a student , not a pupil.

    the schedule is stretched all the days and the student doesnt come and go like a train .

    the students are treated better at home and in the lecture room , they are adults .

    they make new friendships , break some and keep others .

    they speak about broader subjects .

    they go on picnics , go out to have snacks or drinks .

    it is a new broader world  that carries with it new responsibilities .

  7. Who siad it is?!!!!

    i loved my secondary school more than this college.


  8. because you belive you are carry the responsibility

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