
Why is college soooo expensive?? Do you agree it should be drastically lowered?

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Does it really have to put people in debt? which is the plan of the establishment or powers that be. Have everyone use credit cards or take out student loans they have to pay back the rest of they're life's, ruining them. Credit cards enslave society.

The cost of college keeps rising, seems yearly. I think it is ridiculous and someone is obviously lining their pockets with and over-inflated payout. And you have to wonder...where does the money come fund colleges? Ever think about that? If the cost of college was lowered, the only ones complaining would be the people who aren't getting they're huge sum of money. Elitists would be in shambles..




  1. Quit complaining, it's called financial aid. If you can't afford it, take out a loan or apply for the aid.

  2. Yes especially now because if we need to change the world we need education especially since the enviormental crisis, and people just cant afford it anymore.

  3. College is expensive because it is expensive to educate people.  The government subsides k-12. If not, it would be just as expensive.  All of the databases from the library cost money, and so do the books.  A university's library is essential.  Faculty need to be paid.  We are not paid all that much - especially compared to what we would get paid if we go to the private sector or government.  The reputation of the school depends on the faculty.  After years of higher education, they should be paid a good wage - which is often lower than people with MBAs and JDs.  Did you know that most college professors go to school longer than MDs?  And many of the world's leading authorities and scientific breakthroughs are from professors?  Paying a science prof 100K is worth it when he or she brings in a few million in grants.

    College and universities need to provide a large support staff, such as advisers, librarians, staff assistants, etc.  Also, the students want the gyms, activities, etc.  And not to mention costs for running the buildings,  keeping up the computers, email systems, etc. Some colleges and universities have to pay real estate taxes and other forms of taxes.

    Actually, when it is all said and done the universities are barely making it and have inacted cost-savings everywhere.  Frankly, if the government could be run like many of our major insitutions, we would all be better off.  The cost keep going up because the cost of living keeps going up, along with electricity, food, and every other expensive.  Alumni donations are down, subsidies from the governments are down, grants are down, etc.  Plus, tuition is one of the smaller categories of income.

    And it is your choice if you want to go to college.  

    Before you rant again, which is probably from fruistration with your tutition bill, read the budgets for colleges.  You will see that the money isnt lining anyone's pocket.  

  4. Because the US government puts more money into defence for imaginary threats than into education?

    It's not very expensive in the UK, so we're quite lucky. Fees are just over £3000 a year. Everyone from the UK or EU, regardless of their financial situation, gets a loan from the government to cover this. If you're from the UK you can also get an additional loan to cover your living costs of another sum of around £3000; 75% of this is non-means tested, 25% of it is. You don't pay back any of this until you are earning over £15,000 a year, and then it's only 9% of anything over (i.e. you earn £16,000, you pay back 9% of £1000, so only £90 a year), and it's deducted at source.

    After twenty five years, it's written off. If you came out of uni, got married and your other half supported you for the next twenty five years, you'd never pay back a penny. It's brilliant. It's not the sort of loan that counts against your credit rating or anything like that either.

    If your parents earn under £25,000 as well, you get a full maintenence grant, and if they earn under £60,000 you get a partial grant, that you don't have to pay back.

    And it used to be the fees were only about £1800 a year, until they brought in higher fees a few years ago. But our bachelor's degrees are mostly only 3 years as well, so that's automatically less debt.

  5. Have you thought about what it takes to fund a prestigious university?  Not only do you have the land and buildings themselves, but maintenance, utilities, and clerical and maintenance staffing.  Then you have the teaching staff -- it takes a good bit of funding to attract and retain highend professors.  Many of those are also researchers; a lot of a university's reputation comes from the research performed there. Some of that is funded through grants for the research itself, but much is funded by the school; that takes labs, equipment, constant re-evaluation and upgrades of technology, and payroll for the personnel involved.  Highend research often costs into the millions of dollars.

    If you don't think this level of education is worth that much, then you can find cheaper sources, such as community colleges or technical institutes.  They don't do research, they don't have as cutting edge technology, they don't have the reputation -- and are much cheaper.  IT depends on what you want to do with your life and what kind of education you need to get there.

  6. Public school is payed for by the government, while college is not, so the money that you spend is going twords the teachers' salaries, janitorial employment, betterment of the campess, etc.... its really not that expensive considering all this.

  7. College is a business. And the first aim of businesses is to gain profit.

    Colleges offers qualified professors where most have doctoral degrees or masteral degrees. Their salaries are of course what you pay. You also pay for the services brought by the college, the security, the room that you use, the light that you use. You are renting the whole college for one day technically. If the price is lowered... the people who owns the school will probably be in debt.

    Businesses with competition would not keep rising to ridiculous prices. They want to be affordable but profitable enough

  8. Yeah, I completely agree with you! It's ridiculous.  

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