
Why is copper more valuable now than years ago?

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I understand what makes copper valuable, malleability, elasticity, and the ability to conduct electricity so well, but it could do all that years ago, so why does the price go up now?




  1. Supply and demand. Growing economies like China and India are using more and more.  This greater demand on the market results in the prices being driven up.    

  2. No, those qualities of copper are what makes it USEFUL.  What makes it VALUABLE to the point that the price goes up is that people are willing to pay more than they currently do, if they have to, to keep using it.  This will not happen if people believe that there is an endless supply of it that is easy to get.  Copper in the form we use it doesn't come out of the ground that way, it has to be taken out of the ground and then refined and processed into the various forms it's used in.  When people believe that the future supply, not so much the existing supply, will be interrupted somehow, prices go up.  The same idea is what causes oil prices to rise and fall - betting on future supply.

  3. Because the dollar is weak compared to other countries like the Euro and Yen

    And commodities in the stock market like copper, gold, silver,oil ...etc is going up in price because they are in huge demand right now mostly by foreign countries cuz they can afford it. In the long run the U.S. is screwed until we find another niche in the market like I don't know say.... an alternative resource thats just a wild guess.

    I remember back in 2002 an ounce of gold was cheaper than an ounce of marijuana!! Ounce of marijuana is apprx. 300 dollars now Gold is over 1000 dollars dam my recreational habit lol.    

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