
Why is corn bad for dogs???

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i have a new puppy and people tell me that she should not be eating puppy max and i said why and all they said was it had corn in it




  1. Ok so as a person who works with animals and has one. I'm trying to find whats good and what's not. This corn theory is difficult to understand. I'ts bad, but I'ts good, but I'ts bad....... which one is it. Surely there is a meeting place in the middle. Small amounts in the right doses i think would be fine. It may be a filler but I would much rather have corn as my filler than some other nasty things they use. basically it all comes down to what works for you and you're pet. some diets work better than others. My friends dog has sensitive skin and tried all the premium diets and found that Eukanuber works best for him. Another friend found that her dog was a fussy eater and also tried various diets and found Royal Canin works best. You will ony know if you try.  

  2. Corn and very little nutritional value for the dogs and just like us it does
    not digest.  I would go to a grainfree food such as Orijen,wellness core,taste of the wild. These have a high protein that dogs need and without all the grain filler they don't.

  3. They are allergic to corn and will develop biting, scratching and eventually sores and hair loss

  4. Investigate a raw food diet .... I have had dramatic changes since I've changed my two hound mutts to one.  I use

  5. Is there a dog food for Yorkies without any corn in it?  Thanks

  6. someone said corn is completely void of nutrients!!! So all over the united states we are growing useless golden kernals of nothing huh. Come on now! Corn is fine for dogs and actually has a great amount of nutrients... if the right part of the corn is used, obviously we all know the outside is not digestible... but the inside is. GOOD pet food manufacturers still use corn, it has a great amount of nutrients. Corn is not bad for dogs, this is one of the many myths that end up hurting pets because people avoid good food (like Science Diet) and feed cheap c**p just because it has no corn. And I am a veterinary technician with 6 years experience and great interest in nutrition.

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