
Why is costuming important???

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why is costuming important in films




  1. it makes the character seem more realistic to the environment around them and to the script...if that makes sense......

    just imagine a 50's movie and you on set being shot in your modern clothes

  2. I suspect 1 and 2 have essentially answered your Q.

      Performances, drama or comedic, are designed, back as far as the writer, to be entertaining, but also engaging. As one answer states, Would you be effective in a 1950's era scene, wearing clothes from 2008? BELIEVABILITY is a keyword in film or live performance. Beyond that Costuming, much like scenery is EXPECTED and authenticity, creates a sense of NO DISTRACTION in the sense of any audience, from the story line.

       Wardrobe pros work as hard at their craft as any actor, makeup artist, properties people, to find authentic.

       I most enjoy some outtakes. IE: Pirates sailing after a merchant ship. The captain wearing long, ruffly sleeves. At one point he points an arm, and OOOPS there is a wristwatch. OR even a mid 19th Century play, in which at a certain point the lead is saying lines and a cell phone goes off in the jacket pocket.

    Just my 2 "scents"

  3. So that it is fit to ur movie and to make clearer image for people. For example if you make a film in the era 17s, so u should wear costumes like in that era, don't use nowadays costume cause it will make people confuse.

    Costuming also represent what u told in ur movie. For example if you want to tell about a girl which don't know rules. U can dress her with jewels and bright colored cloth when she was in the funeral.

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