
Why is creative arts important for early child hood?

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Why is creative arts important for early child hood?




  1. In early childhood, the brain is forming the synaptic connections that will help it think and calculate for the rest of it's life.  Art and music stimulate areas of the brain that can't be stimulated by other forms of stimuli.  Studies have been done that show that melodic voices don't stimulate certain areas of the brain that instrumental music can.  Not to mention the fine coordination skills that are developed by a child by trying to handle crayons and paint brushes or the textural experience of finger painting or clay working.

    Not to mention that it's just plain fun for the kiddies.


  2. It helps the childs brain become more active and helps them with their creative side. A child may only use less than ten percent of their brain than they should usually. So it helps them think more about what their doing and how to remeber things like if they told to draw a clown or something.

  3. yes it is very important it gives a child to express themselves builds good character

  4. It helps in the childs brain development process.

  5. Fine arts is important at all stages of life, not just in early childhood.  Being involved with arts helps children exercise a different part of their brain.  Children who are involved in fine arts are more creative, imaginative, and yes, more outgoing.  

    Research shows that children involved in music can make improvements in math and in reading.  They exercise these skills when reading music, etc.  Children involved in the art (painting, drawing, etc) become very receptive and can find small details anywhere.  They can explain why they used certain colors in their paintings and tell you what kinds of feelings they were attempting to evoke.  Children like these also learn to tune into their feelings and other's feelings easily.  Think about it, when a child is involved in arts and theater or performances from early on, he / she is less likely to become shy when they have to present a project in front of a class.  This is a skill that carries them through high school, college...the rest of their lives!

    Why wouldn't one want their child involved in any type of creative art?  Involving your child in the arts gives them the opportunity to tap into talents/gifts that they may otherwise never find out about.  It gives them yet one more thing to try and excel at.  Just feeling successful with art raises a child's self-esteem & confidence...who doesn't love knowing that a whole group of people is clapping or cheering just for you?

  6. creative art is important to preschoolers and elementary schoolers alike because it encourages them to use their imagination and THINK about what they want their art to look like.  In encouraging them to use their imagination it opens their mind to better learning and to self-expression.  It also encourages them to form their own opinions and their own individuality.  The more the preschooler uses his imagination the more receptive he will be to other learning experiences.  In short, the more he uses his abilities and imagination in creative art the easier it will be on him to learn new things in higher grades.

  7. The child is learning to be creative.

    At the same time it is developing their manual dexterity, allowing them a way of expressing themselves and giving them pleasure and a sense of achievement when they see the finished product and get praise for doing well.

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