
Why is crude oil such a vital part of the global economy and is it possible to change this.?

by Guest59738  |  earlier

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Why is crude oil such a vital part of the global economy and is it possible to change this.?




  1. For about 100 years the world has revolved around this fuel, which is the most efficient fuel available by far, with the exception of nuclear energy in certain applications.

    The wealth of the world largely depends on moving goods and people, the more transport costs, the less wealth people who need or want those things have. Wealth doesn't just mean being rich, it's the ability to keep warm in winter and move themselves to work in areas they can make good money and support the economy. Without efficient fuel we will have a drop in life style that you can't even imagine. The effects will be such that you can't even connect. Big cities will cease to function and just be large population centers of misery without mass transit, power or the ability to bring in goods and services that the people depend on and take for granted, never understanding how they brought in and how such things are achieved.

    It is possible to change this, to a point, but the fact is that nothing is as efficient as crude oil for fuel and all the other uses it has. We will never have the economic strength or flexibility crude oil brings. With alternatives which are much more expensive the separation between rich and poor will expand and those like Al Gore will become more powerful because the average person in every country, even the rich countries will have lives which more resemble that of those in 3rd world countries and those who can pay a little bit will be able to get anything they want, or want done, very cheaply.

    Nuke power is something that can help, but notice that those who are faking this human caused global warming garbage are opposed to nuclear fueled power plants, hydro electric ethanol, clean coal, natural gas, and about any energy with the exception of those which are very inefficient like solar cells and wind mills. That is how it is possible to change things, and you won't like it.

    Of course if we take full advantage of nuclear energy, and use clean burning natural gas which is abundant in the US, clean coal, drill for oil, high producing ethanol products which are 10x more productive than corn, hydro electric dam projects which are not only excellent clean sources of electricity, but open up dry areas to food production and ethanol production which plant matter also devours carbon dioxide and cools the environment and adds oxygen and precipitation through respiration and evaporation which will help lower the rise in sea levels they are so worried about ...

    if we do take advantage of those available resources we can over time gain efficiency and wean off oil products to a point they won't cause any significant amounts of pollution.

    Understand that pollution occurs every day whether we do anything or not. Oil spills account for less than 1% of oil involved pollution in the world, the majority of which is caused by underwater natural oil deposits leaking into the oceans, and it's been that way since billions of years before man was on this earth.

    We can't even come close to competing with volcanoes and naturally occurring fires for air pollution, our contribution doesn't even make a drop in the bucket, except in isolated areas like LA for instance where pollution we make collects in a valley which has a natural inversion that keeps pollutants there, we create our own little areas of concentrated pollution.

    If you put it in perspective on a map, the amount we contribute is so small compared to other causes it's pretty much a joke, except in that small geographical area it affects.

    Not saying pollution isn't a problem, we do a real number on rivers and lakes, and that should be stopped, as well as other serious problems we have caused, but man made air born pollutants controlling the worlds environment? It's a total joke.

    We should concentrate more on the pollutants that really cause a problem than some politically opportunistic garbage meant to make some like Government Officials and powerful charlatan hypocrites like Al Gore rich and powerful, at the expense of the little people like you and me.

    You want to speak truth to power? An inconvenient truth? There you go, really true truth, and not the c**p spewed by those like Gore and other pseudo environmentalists who seek to control social situations more than they ever care about what they use as a front for that, our environment.

    Don't be their dupes. Really get educated, not just brain washed by popular populist driven disinformation supported by the lies of so called scientists who go along because if they don't their money, their livelihood, will be cut off.

  2. Because crude oil makes so many things, plastics, drives cars, etc etc.

    Change it? Yeah. Stop using so much.

  3. well, crude oil is a vital part in the global economy because globally we use it for our trasportation whether by land or by air. As we all know fossil fuels are produced after hundreds of years and since the demand of it is increasing while the quantity is decreasing naturally price will increase. It's just like in an auction when you by an antique the price goes higher because you only have one of it and the demand of it is ver high and in order to get that, the consumers will fight for it thus, increasing the prices.

    there is only a little possibility to change this crisis and that is to find another land that has fossil fuels or be back to basics like biking, walking and sailing.

  4. The Combustion Engine only runs on Crude Oil By-Products. And the 21st Century world needs Combustion Engines.

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