
Why is dabbling with "black" magic so common amongst the Muslim community?

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Particularly amongst Bengalis and Pakistanis I have known.




  1. Because most Pakistanis and Bengalis grow up in villages, and villagers are very famous for lack of education, therefore they practice black magick. I am not saying all Pakistanis but a great number!i

  2. may Allah protect us all from such things - sadly much arises from culture and not islam, it is jealousy and gossip and the lack of iman of people.  We must remember the Surah's of the Qur'an to protect from harm and turn to Allah to protect us always

  3. No, she's got a point.

    I'm pretty sure its because those places, including India still have a lot of past tradition mixed in. There are a few books around on it, how muslims who came to India and Pakistan are half hindu in their practice and vice versa (hindus practicing half-Islam)

    I have family in India...little magical recitations and actions center around mistaken ideas of the Jinns. Sufism had much to do with it.

    For example, things like writing some suwar from Al Qur'an on a hard-boiled egg and feeding it to a child for protection from Jinns. (My impression was they were forcing it down the throat, but I might have misunderstood.)

    Recently, we got a letter from some Christian Indians, who advised us to put a black dot on the new baby's forehead to ward off the evil eye.

    Oh, yeah! Some of the local imams take fees for this stuff, exorcisms, etc.

    Edit: Yes, its obviously haram, but there are also imams, who come teaching it. People go out to the country areas, telling the muslims these things..Without other teachers, its small surprise if some of it sinks in. I've heard of this more among the elders, though, like 2 generations back, but those living still believe in it strongly. Last time I was there, I brought a couple translations of Al Qur'an in the native language to them, hoping it would help. It still might.

    Also, these people who learned this kind of islam move out of the country to work in the middle east, etc, spreading the idea...maybe why more of us hear of it.

    Pardon, Shirin, if this contributed to the trouble. It's just where my experience is, and I didn't mean to suggest it was especially common. I only know about some of the country areas I've been to and in the Middle East, where some of those locals have emigrated.

  4. never heard of such thing

  5. It's not

    That's Haraam

    people who combine Islamic beliefs with mysticism or magic are not Muslims

    so please don't generalise!

    edit - Muslims from India or Bangladesh make up a small p percentage of the entire Muslim population, you are GENERALISING, this is no where near common in other Muslim countries

  6. You're generalizing an awful lot there.  

  7. Lolz! I've heard of this happening - but it only happens in uneducated areas of these countries. It happens in India too, but in India they use a different sort of 'black magic'

    All Muslims should know that such practises are haram, and not even a leaf sway in the wind without Allah (SWT) knowing of its presence.

    It's not common, don't worry

  8. fear factor,this what they cash on,

  9. So long as toy stores are selling juiji boards, there will be kids dabbling in "black magic". ITs an interest of several, be they Muslim, Christan, Atheist etc...people like to think they have super natural powers. Then, they grow up.....

  10. Never seen or heard this, could you provide sources, proof, video, links, and or photos to aid me in answering this question, thanks kindly in advance.

  11. You mean like nazar?

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