
Why is deforestation happening at such a large scale?

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why are forests the size of wales being cut down every year and what are the consequences? i know that they need to cut trees but why are soooo many trees being cut down. Please include a link of a useful website if you can! Thankyou very much.




  1. Three reasons, one being no economic source of burning fuel available in remote places, particularly tribal area and second, it is cost of development which Society needs to bear and third and foremost casual approach of the Govt and the people to pursue sustained afforestation once destroyed.

  2. Because the powers involved are driven by greed and power. And, because the muppets have to have Rosewood or Teak or Mahogany in their dwellings. I spent a large a large part of my life working in wood and sustainable wood is sufficient.

  3. Observer really knocked herself out. For God's sake, give her the cake.

  4. I dont have any websites's because the of the population. We need to cut down all those trees for everybody. THe population is still growing so that is a problem.

  5. money money money

    it's a rich man's world



  6. Reasons for Deforestation:


    Rapid population growth in the 1960s increased demand for farming and

    settlement land or building houses (2 million in 1960 and about 30 million in



    Governments operating large Economic Development Schemes such as

    plantations, factories and mines encouraged Deforestation for their

    establishment. This also brought pride to the country or international prestige.


    Exploiting the forests for the sale of timber was seen as a way of reducing the

    country’s national debt.


    Road construction through the forest made the rainforest accessible thereby

    allowing transportation or movement of timber, minerals or farm produce from

    the forest to different parts of the country.


    Allocation of land to poor peasant farmers for small scale farming all over Brazil

    led to Deforestation.


    Commercial cattle ranching introduced by large trans-national companies

    replaced trees with grass by burning the trees. Today cattle ranches occupy

    about 25% of Amazon forest.


    High demand for hardwoods such as ebony and mahogany by More Economically

    Developed Countries (MEDCs), has led to Deforestation to earn forex for Brazil.


    Amazon forest is rich in minerals such as iron ore, bauxite, manganese,

    diamonds, silver and gold. Mining companies have cleared the forests, to build

    roads and railways through the forest.


    Rainforest has plenty of water and suitable sites for hydroelectricity power. Dam

    construction to use the water involves cutting down trees.

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