
Why is diesel more expensive than gasoline in the U.S.?

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Why is diesel more expensive than gasoline in the U.S.?




  1. People are driving diesel cars/trucks because they get better mileage and last longer.

  2. It is in Europe too.

    It's simply due to supply and demand: a barrel of crude oil once refined only yields a certain amount of diesel, petrol, jet oil etc. and due to all the commercial vehicles which use it and the big increase worldwide in domestic vehicles demand has shot up and so the price follows the demand.

    An increasing number of diesel engines are being run on waste cooking oil, but even that has now changed from a free resource which restaurants had trouble disposing of to a valuable commodity with an increasing price.

  3. simple the more you want the more the government want to take if we all stoped buying it for more than a week. and thats a lot of people over the world then maybe it might come down .  its called price on demand

  4. It's not really known why. Both come from petroleum, but diesel just has to be cleaned and refined more. Either way, it was cheaper than gas before, not sure why it jumped like this.

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