
Why is dining out so expensive?

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Why is dining out so expensive?




  1. Because you pay for the service.  Someone is cooking the food for you.  Someone is serving it to you.  You're using someone's place to eat (they pay rent, electricity, workers, ingredients, water).  Someone is bringing you drinks.  Someone is attending to your needs (you want more to drink, you need another plate, you want to sit by the window, etc.

    Enjoy your meal and don't worry about the bill.  If you are worried about your bill, buy an appetizer and drink water.

  2. because it ain't cheap

  3. Businesses need to make money.

    They have to pay x amount to all of the other people that work there.  I find it hard to believe sometimes how cheap it is, really.

  4. Because the restaurant has to make a profit, they have to pay people to prepare the food they have to pay people to serve the food and they also have to pay them self.

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