It's like we tell them "hey guess what guys this oil stuff is gonna run out sooner than later so we need to start doing something else"
so they say
"ok lets do nuke power!"
Well that's potentially very dangerous, uses vasts amounts of water, and produces waste that we don't know exactly how to dispose of.
then they say
"ok, lets do clean coal!"
Well "clean" coal is still a finite resource, it still pollutes the air, carbon sequestration is still in its experimental phase, and it will entail environmental destruction as we begin to strip mine for coal.
How about a nice solar, wind, and geothermal energy program?
then they say
"Scoff! No way! We're not doing that!"
They don't really have a good reason, other than the fact that they really really like digging up fossils and burning them. And if they can't dig up fossils then they have to be digging up some radioactive rock somewhere.
Isn't renewable the most common sense choice?
What gives?