
Why is doing something quickly (which rasies risks) worse than doing it in a planned manner?

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Why is doing something quickly (which rasies risks) worse than doing it in a planned manner?




  1. it depends, actually.

    Planning allows you to think thinks over and do them in the best sequence, make sure you don't leave out any steps.

  2. the risk of doing a haphazard job laden with mistakes and depending on how sensitive the job is it could have dire or deathly results so planning cant be downplayed

  3. It reduces the amount of time to logically analyze the situation. It allows emotion and prejudice to rule over reason.  

  4. Ummm...more details would be nice.

  5. well simply because it very often doesn't allow logic or reasoning to occur.

    More less lets put it this way.You have a task to do that involves going to a specified location with no info at the moment if its dangerous or what.If you plan things out,you can handle things in a "planned" organized; thought out manner.If you are rash and rush into the situation; you put yourself at "risk" for outcomes you could have avoided with info or planning.

    Point is; the reason doing something hastily is worse or bad is because you ignorantly( hate to use a strong word like that in this case but eh) perform a action or task you could have had info for to perform in a better or more successful manor.Like saying,you could have 100$ or 200$ at the end of hall(each amount in different box's), if you plan you can get the 200,if not you leave it too chance;point being.....why do something fast to raise your chances of failure voluntarily....its being willingly ignorant,which seems illogical in all aspects....

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