
Why is dounut-boy Joba Chamberlin throwing at Youkilis??

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Why is dounut-boy Joba Chamberlin throwing at Youkilis??




  1. He was afraid of Youk. If he gave him anything close to the strike zone he would have unloaded on it and the Sox would have won.

  2. can you say jealousy u want chamberlain as he out pitched ur best

  3. its late in a 1-0 game. do you really think hed want to put the lead off batter on base?

  4. Even if he was, they're both adult men who can take care of problems themselves. If he wants to throw at Youk, let him. Everyone is blowing this out of proportion. I'm sure the Red Sox will do something and then Yankee fans will be the ones to complain. Stop complaining abuot who throws at who. It's a waste of time. The players will take care of it and it will all be done. You can't deny that Joba is a d**n good pitcher and calling him "donut-boy" expresses a bit of immaturity in you. I presume you are a Red Sox fan, right?

  5. I am a Yankee fan, I will say that straight out so theres 0 chance of confusion, but I am a bigger fan of the game. Id rather watch a 0-0 pitchers duel than a Yankee blowout.

    First and foremost I have to agree with all the prior statements that it was a 1-0 game and it was a 2-0 pitch in which he's going to try to get back into the count.

    Secondly, if you look back at all 4 balls that were "thrown" at Youks head, they all left his hand in the same manner and went to the exact same spot. In my humble opinion I think that all four of the pitches slipped out of his hand (clearly the first 2 did), and that the one the other night did as well, but he might have had slightly more grip on it so it didnt "sail" like the other 3. I believe that they slipped and that it has been the bad luck that its been Youkilis at the plate at the time.

    Third, to try to give a reason for why its been Youk, try this one on. The first two clearly slipped out of his fingers and theres no doubt in my mind about that, he got suspended for that as well which I think is such a disgrace for MLB. Do you think its possible that he's got the in the back of his mind and that theres a little part saying "dont hit him again, dont hit him again" thats on repeat when Youk is at the plate? I am a pitcher and let me tell you there are some guys that I pitch to that are just magnets. I know Ive hit them before, and Im just thinking dont hit them again, and it happens. Its nothing personal, its just a young pitcher who had a tough break last year with it, and hasnt learned how to deal with it yet.

    Oh, and to the guy who said the whole world hates the Yankees, I have lived, and regularly go out of the country, and without the Yankees most people who dont live in the States wouldnt even know what baseball is. I mean, your team hasnt given them too much reason to know what baseball is since.... basically the invention of the radio.

  6. dont listen to haters. He dosent like youk i dont know why..

    maybe beaucse youk looks better with no hair  and facial hair?

  7. ..Do you really think with a 1-0 lead last night he was TRYING to put Youkilis on!? I mean seriously,especially with a 1 run lead late in the game while anything can happen.

  8. Donut boy...? Really..?

    You're definitely a mad Red Sox fan that is jealous =P

  9. Cause Joba Owns Youklis and The Red Sox.

  10. Typical Yankee ignorance from the fans above. You are why the whole world hates the Yankees.

  11. Because Youkilis like most Red Sox players is an ***.

  12. to tell you the truth i really dont know because this whole story of youkilis and chamberlain is very weird. nothing happened between these two before the incident in NY when he almost hit him twice and now they are winning 1-0 in the 7th and he almost hit him again, im gonna say it wasnt really intentional but its weird how he had such good control for the entire game and then youk comes up and he almost hits him

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