
Why is drama a girls priority everyday?

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I know I'm a girl myself but some don't go out and seek drama and most do. Like me I don't look for it, it ends up finding me. Whyy So much of it




  1. lol it's mostly the "hot" girls that do that, but we guys get our ego from all the drama they cause over us so we play along lol

  2. Haha based on experience girls will be girls! I live ina  small town of only 400 people and i always thought the same thing why do these girls go looking for drama and why even if i dont get involved does it always come to me! Well what i learnt was if girls see that you dont buy into that childish rubbish they think they should involve you so everybody thinks of you as what they think of the drama queens.

  3. ppl use drama to get ppl to notice them. they want ppl to no that they are better than u and that they can take u down with one compliment. they want to b center of attention. believe me i no how it works!

  4. Drama starts with jealousy.

    Then with jealousy comes with rumors.

    Girls are constantly trying to put girls down to make themselves feel better(insecurity) or to make the other person look bad.

    And what better motive than jealousy.  There is so much of it because we live in a society that is soo caught up on things that are so not important. Not only that we are only human, its only natural to feel jealous. Some girls just take action out of their jealousy, and those are the drama starters.

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