
Why is drinking alcohol more acceptable than smoking weed?

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Alright I'm 15, and my parents caught me drunk as h**l, throwing up and everything. The following morning, they told me that they didn't mind if I drank, but I just have to know my limits. However, when my parents caught me smoking weed, they got all beserk and angry and told me that if I ever did it again, they would practically disown me. Why is alcohol more acceptable, even though it's more dangerous, less enjoyable, and causes deaths, while weed is enjoyable, has cancerous inhibiting properties, and you can never get THC poisoning or anything like that?

PS: I live in New York




  1. I am sure it has to do with the fact that weed is illegal and alcohol is not, minus the age requirements. Add to that the fact that the War of Drugs has spewed a lot of nonsense about marijuana in their anti-drug propaganda campaigns. The fact is that none of that is really good for you, but weed is certainly much safer than alcohol. Look at the Netherlands and their lax policies toward drugs. Their citizens aren't all addicted to drugs, lazy, jobless, friendless or pregnant as teenagers like the commercials here in America claim. Be responsible with it, understand what it does, can and will do to you and know your local laws regarding it and make your choice from there. Honestly though, you are 15 and have a long time ahead of you for that stuff, so cut your parents some slack and try to live by their rules for the next couple of years. Trust me, they will go by much faster than you think. In the meantime be safe and if you do continue smoking... well do a better job of hiding it.  

  2. This is because, SOME people can drink responsibly while smoking weed you get addicted much faster.

  3. As some guys here said....alcohol is legal,but weed is

  4. 1 it shouldn't be, it messes you up way less! (i could have a long debate on this as well)

    but the answer is because our beloved government cant get a hold of pot to make it legal, and alcohol is legal. i totally agree with you. maybe you should talk to your parents, my parents would have rather seen me smoke then drink.

  5. I'm all for legalization of weed. Look at the amount of people killed every year due to drunk driving, alcohol poisoning, and even liver disease due to alcohol...and this is what's legal. How many people you know get into a vehicle and go wreck and kill someone while stoned? How many people you know that overdosed on pot? Our country's legal "drugs," so to speak, are a lot more harmful than pot will ever be.  I would rather my kid be a pothead over a drunk anyday.  However, at 15, I don't think that you should be doing either.

  6. I guess it would be because weed is illegal and it is labeled as a "drug". Even though it has the safest symptoms of both drugs and alcohol. Since drinking is legal and not seen as a drug I guess it's more acceptable.

  7. I whish i had ur parents but i think drinking is alot more fun.

  8. Alcohol is legal, weed is not.

  9. Well, for one thing, just know that weed isn't "good" for you by any means. Smoking anything is bad for your lungs. Weed is just not as bad as tobacco.

    And the real reason society in general doesn't like weed started back in the colonial times, when tobacco farmers would run off all hemp farmers, because they didnt want the competition.

    Ever since then, people have been raised to hate hemp.

    Another thing is that, while getting drunk is a lot worse than getting high, you don't get drunk every time you drink alcohol. It takes at least a couple of drinks to get buzzed, whereas with weed, it just takes a couple of puffs to feel the effects.

    So its okay to drink socially, but not to get drunk. Theres just no way to socially smoke weed without getting high.

  10. LOL Cuz people are stupid.

  11. Because its legal.

  12. Weed does have cancerous inhibiting properties.  It isn't proven that it will cure cancer, but it can stop malignant cells from returning.  

    The answer to all this is, alcohol has been socially acceptable for partying and such for thousands of years.  Weed has been used, probably longer than alcohol, but by not near as many people.  

    Another answer is because of terrible government/alcohol company propaganda.  If you have seen Reefer Madness, then you might know what I'm talking about.  Reefer Madness was funded mostly by alcohol companies, who knew if something like weed were to come into their business, they would be eliminated.  

    Yet another answer is because people are strange.  When you're a stranger.  Faces look ugly when you're alone.

    The fact that you live in New York is also interesting.  I hear that the War on Drugs has pretty much taken a cease fire there...

  13. I think Marijuana should be legalized.

    It is no worse than alcohol.

    No one died, or overdosed from smoking it.

    I believe is it all about the government, and money.

    That is the only reason it is illegal.

    So many people are brainwashed by the government, into believing it is such a horrible thing.

  14. personally i like drinking better  

  15. Its simple.........drunks are interesting they do stupid things, make us laugh, hurt themselves,  go out on the town, spend money, flirt, put out, and most importantly keep youtube in business.     potheads sit around snack and live in their parents house till the end of days.  its not that society hates marijuana,  mostly we just think of you folks as a bunch of boring losers.   You just scared your parents into thinking that you would never move out!

  16. legality and social norms, not much you can do about it, just the way it is.

  17. drinking is legal and is not condemned by the bible

  18. because the effects on the body from weed are much more worst than beer,i mean,beer goes to the liver,but it recovers with time...weed goes to the brain cells,and they never recover...

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