
Why is driving so difficult for me?

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I've had training with an instructor for 6 hrs now and she was like "you are a slow learner, u are too dangerous." she is chinese and speaks very bad english, btw.

some of the problems i have are :

1. the difference between a litttle gas and lot feel so subtle on the foot? esp, when u first step on the gas after breaking. do i lack sensitivity? could it be the car?

2. The steering wheel seems so stiff? is it me or is it because shes holding it or is it just always like that?

3. i can't seem to break smoothly. and it always makes a screeching sound.

i see people driving so smoothly and i wonder how are they getting it so easily?




  1. well one get a new instructor

    2 don't worry you just need more practice.

    what kind of car are you driving?

    maybe if you were learning on a better car it would be easier.

    they have a lot of jokes about Chinese drivers but I will avoid that.

    what kind of shoes are you wearing, might make a diff.

    some ppl have been driving for years and still suck at it.

    so take your time, don't worry.


  2. It is very simple, you are just not ready and you need more practice time, you are not comfortable with the vehicle.

  3. sounds like you are trying to hard you have to feel like you know what you are doing its not hard to drive keep with it you will get it right sooner then you think.

  4. 1) the gas should feel rather smooth especially in automatics, have the car in neutral or drive and rev the engine you should get a real feel for it, you don't need a lot of gas to get moving just slowly push the pedal, never jam on it unless you need to.

    2) Some cars have different steering ratios which make for more wheel spins to turn, don't worry about it just relax and turn as needed

    3) just like the gas don't jam on the brakes, just go easy and give yourself plenty of room to slow down, if it screeches otherwise it's a problem with the car and the brake system

    Good look hon

  5. sounds like you need more than 6 hours. do you feel you know more than the instructor

  6. Tara, I only have one question for you - Is it you or that Chinnakannadi (Tamil for "China Spectacles") taking the examination in the end? All you have to do ignore the driver, whomsoever he/she is, and take it slow.

    1. Your legs are feeling rigid? It's okay, I had a bigger problem as I had to drive a manual transmission for the examination. Yours is only auto transmission. All about practising, that's all...

    2. Is it the non-power steering? I've learnt to drive those for the examination.

    3. Okay, feet coordination please. If you're driving a Renault, it's even worse because the brakes are even higher and even more abrupt. Just push the brakes slowly.

    If you say driving is easy, it's because they've gone through a stage like you before, before becoming an amateur in one...

    I, for example, may be a mediocre driver, but then I learnt the actual driving when I started my automotive course in College, where I have no choice but to learn from beginners to expert driving...

  7. It's all about confidence to support your control.  Relax, and after a few tries, you'd soon get it.  But, you might get a tough time if you have bad communication with your instructor.

  8. practice makes perfect..trying taking a deep breath before u slow don't care what other road users say o scold..start driving following below the advice speed limits..

    1. take ur car to an empty space, try feeling the clutch point, don't step on the gas!! just step the clutch put 1st gear and let it go slowly until u fell a slight movement, thats ur cars clutch point( every car as its own) than try stepping ur gas slowly..practice this and u will noe how much of pressure u should put on ur gas while u let go ur clutch..    

    2.try getting a car equip with power steering, get familiar with ur car, by looking around the car(outside) sit and feel how is it from the inside and  compare with outside..

    3.try accelerating to about 30-40 KmJ free the gear and put a slight pressure on the brake and see how does ur car react.. by time to time u will improve..


  9. It's ok Tara, you'll get it. It just takes time.  Get a new instructor first of all.  A Chinese driving instructor? Not known to be the best drivers.  Why is she holding the steering wheel? That's why it is so stiff.  You need some one to go slowly with you and give you time to feel comfortable. Not someone making you even more nervous and telling you how slow you are.  It took me along time to be able to make left turns without a green arrow and the freeway made me really scared.  Everyone has their own hang-ups when learning for the first time. You've only had six hours so far. You'll get it!! Good Luck!

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