
Why is dumping done by companies?

by Guest57187  |  earlier

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Dumping is an economic term that suggests the act of a manufacturer in one country exporting a product to another country at a price which is either below the price it charges in its home market or is below its costs of production. If




  1. Companies dump products to promote full employment.  This is especially true of nationalized companies such as steel mills in some countries, where mass unemployment would mean civil unrest.

  2. Dumping is a term that means if the a foreign country sells their product at the US at a lower cost than what they sell it at their home country.  

    Dumping happens because their government in their country has more restrictions which cause the price at their home to be higher.  In order for a foreign company to compete in the US market they'll have to lower their prices. One reason also is because countries have different elastic demand where a company charge accordingly.  


    If their home country it has an inelastic demand they can influence the price therefore set it high.  Since US market has an elastic demand the company couldn't influence the price and would have to set price at the market.   (low price)

    Edit: Dumping is a form price discrimination.  The dumping laws is also contraversial in the US.

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