
Why is early childhood education important?

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A lot of parents seem to think its the best possible start to a child's education and the advantages that come with it . But do you think its over emphasized in terms of how much funding (in millions) its put into early childcare by governments of developed countries.

I mean never went through Kindergarten, so did my siblings and parents yet like many other out there who did not have early childcare education, we still graduated from high school without any problems furthermore some of us like many other families out there, are university graduates.

Or is the main purpose of Kindergarten is to mind children while their parents go into the workforce?




  1. The primary reasons given for the rush to institutionalize children in school settings are numerous: early start on academic skills, socialization, the chance for learning, vision, hearing, and other problems to be diagnosed early.  

    The real reason for early childhood education is to convince parents that when their children are somewhere between 2 and 4, they have no ability to care for and teach their kids.  This sucks parents and children into the entire school mentality, in which the child, the parents, and the family are subordinate to the school bureaucracy.  The school bureaucracy, in turn, supports thousands of jobs.

  2. Statistics show that the children who have not attended preschool 'catch up' to their peers who have attended preschool by the third grade and there's no difference in their learning abilities.  So for those three years in elementary school, those are the children with the highest self esteem and confidence and have the least behavior problems (normally) because they already know what to expect.  I am a very strong advocate for preschool - we do vision and hearing and speech screenings, we catch the children who are lagging and get them the earliest intervention we possibly can - so when they start school, they are right up their with their peers.  It's a majorly important investment in your child's future.

  3. Preschool will give your child the confidence he or she needs for a fun and fulfilling school experience. Preschool helps prepare them with listing skills and some even teach phonics. With this jump start in education your child will catch on quickly to reading and many subject at are covered in kindergarten. Kindergarten is very different now..lessons are taught very quickly and if a student falls behind he or she might have one chance to catch up. If you fall behind just a can snowball and never catch up. It is so frustrating to see children saying "I can't" a wonderful parent and give your child to chance to say "I can".

    Preschool works and your kid is going to love it....

  4. One of the main reasons (in my p.o.v.) for early childhood education is so the child can get some social interaction with other children their age outside of the home (different environment).

    Personally, I went through early childhood education so I could learn to socialise with other children my age, since I am an only child my parents decided that it was important that I learnt to deal with other children at a young age....

  5. I think early education is very important for any child. My son is 4 years old and in preschool. When he was 3 years old, I started him in headstart now he is 4 and in preschool and he loves it and he has learned so much that he is actually able to go right into 1st grade if we want him to. I think putting a child through this stage is giving him a headstart at education. If a child waits to go to kindergarten it will take time to get use to being apart from there parents or siblings and may not know what to expect in a school atmosphere. My son is so ready for kindergarten he is looking forward to what else he is going to learn and the new friends he will have. Being a full time working mom I dont have the time to spend with my kids and teach them all the things they should learn so early education is really something every parent should consider.

  6. early childhood is important because at that age 5, 4, 3 yrs old children are able to absorb so much information.  Its amazing,  they pick up and retain so much, thats why so many preschools are have begun teaching other languages within their curriculums.  

    Of course you can start school later and graduate the same time as other in your age group, the earlier you start a child, they are not only developing intellectually, the also build people skills, learning to interact with others, improve their speech, etc.

    Besides a little headstart has never hurt anyone....(i dont think)

  7. A sure start in life. I dont think you missed out by not going to nursery as you were clearly provided with what you needed at that age by parents who were able to prepare you for school.

    However, the fact is that most children starting school are much better prepared by having gone to pre school in social interaction, being part of a group, having already become used to being separated form their parents, etc.

    Also, it is generally considered that children will be provided with a greater range of learning opportunities that they may not have chance to access at home, some examples: circle time, role play with peers, sand and water, small world activities, etc: This is not to imply that children who remain at home do not also have these experiences, they may be lucky enough to have parents who make their child the centre of their day and as such also have  agreat start in life. It all depends on the child, the parents and how they spend their days.

    In favour of child care centres muself, all my children have had an opportunity to gain form having attended and not always because i have had to go to work. You need to find the right balance for your self, your child and your life's circumstances.

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