
Why is earth's oxygen leaking into space?

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Could it be the Earth's own magnetic field is accelerating the oxygen away? It seems that electrically charged oxygen, hydrogen, & helium atoms (ions) are leaking into space from the earth's atmosphere, over the poles. What would happen if we wind up losing all or most all of our oxygen? What happens to oxygen when it enters outer space as space doesn't have need of oxygen?




  1. Yes, oxygen ions are being accelerated by changes in the direction of the magnetic field.

    At present, the escape of oxygen is nothing to worry about. Compared to the Earth's stock of the life-supporting gas, the amount escaping is negligible. However, in the far future when the Sun begins to heat up in old age, the balance might change and the oxygen escape may become significant.

  2. what you are thinking is right, but you should not worry about some oxyzen crisis. more of oxyzen is getting synthesized than its lost (by  green plants).

  3. Yes, oxygen is lost in space all the time but not only oxygen but nitrogen, water and ... mostly anything that is up in our atmosphere.

    On the other hand, every day, new helium, hydrogen, water and minerals are brought to the earth by tiny or larger objects like meteors.

    So you have not to fear our lost ... it is coming back! :-)

    What are those atoms doing in space? Well, space is not as empty as some may believe: it is full of atoms and particles. Not much but enough to keep our intergalactic space above the absolute zero temperature. There might be millions of miles between those atoms but they are there all right.

    In fact, if we were to meet one of them in a spaceship going at a tenth of the speed of light, the collision would be enough to make a hole in a steel hull. A tiny hole, of course, but a real hole.

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