
Why is education important to the individual and to the state?

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Why is education important to the individual and to the state?




  1. Because education is the first step in socialization.  When children are born, they learn to interact with their family first.  That's very limiting. Anyone can get along with people they love.  We really learn how to get along with people we don't like when we enter kindergarten. We learn about the opposite s*x in high school (or sometimes in junior high). This helps build the family unit, which benefits the state by creating a need for financial support.  Hopefully that family will be able to support itself and not have to rely on social programs that take a huge bite out of everyone's pocket.

    Besides the socialization effect, school teaches us the basic skills everyone needs in the workplace. It's the first step in getting and keeping a job.  A job is the first step in keeping people out of prison, which benefits society (and the state) as a whole.

  2. It is important to the state because it forces the individual to submit to power from a young age, thereby having no conception of life without domination or control and thus accepting the control of the government.

  3. Ignorance benefits no one.

    Individuals and the state will always have problems.

    Problems are not well addressed by a lack of information.

  4. Totally ignorant people are of no us to the state. If they can't even read, they can't read government propaganda.

    Less cynically, the world becomes more technical every day, and we need technicians to run these things. The only reason the USA has risen to the top of the heap in terms of nations is because we have had superior technology. If we lose that, we will lose our privileged position.

  5. Some of the answers are great! Hats off to you guys.  So I will put in my two cent worth.  

    In a world of ever changing technology, it is important to keep up with ones education so as one can feed themselves.

    Education for the state, is it is better to have people being productive than wandering the streets in gangs.  

  6. Education brings wisdom and understanding through the knowledge we acquire. It helps human create a civilized society. Imagine if humans are uneducated, we get back to the unciviliized era.

    Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

  7. Education allows us to make better decisions for ourselves. The more educated I become the more I realise how little respect and attachment I have to the self serving hierarchy that passes for state.

  8. Progress. We build on what we know.

  9. information resources are the only resources that grow with use... humans have set out on an epic quest to categorize quantify and otherwise define our environment... seams the more we learn the better we can live... work smarter not harder...  

  10. state education is manipulation of the masses

    self taught persons like Socrates and Leonardo walked the road

    less traveled

    remember Soc died for encouraging others to think freely and for themselves, the authorities hated it

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