
Why is energy an important resource?

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Why is energy an important resource?




  1. Even the caveman understood he had to be near a fuel source to eat and stay warm.

  2. Because without energy we would fall back into a pre-industrial society and most of humanity would die.  

  3. The easiest way to see the importance is try to live a day without using any gas or electricity. So even if you live in a house and use candles and ride a bike to the park, try crossing the road without using traffic lights.

  4. And without energy, you wouldn't be on the computer right now.

    We wouldn't be able to cook food without energy. Everything would be raw.

  5. What does energy look like?

  6. I have to answer this question, because the rest of your answers have been not specific, or sarcastic.

    As we entered the Industrial age, humanity found it self more efficient when it was using chemical process such as burning coal to move cargo, or begin mechanize farming. As we reach today, you see the trend of technology aimed at increasing mans efficiency and productivity. Much of the technology we count on today such as computers, mechanized agriculture, telecommunication technologies, common house hold appliances, and any other type of technology that uses electricity is dependent on a base energy source. With every increase in technology and knowledge, you see the trend that humanity has been able to increase in population. The world population in 1800 was barely nearing 1 billion. Today there are 6.6 billion in the world, our increase in technology has allowed our increase in productivity, and our increase in population. Our planet supplies most of the energy required to fuel our needs, and our knowledge and level of technological progress simply allows us to reap the resources of our planet more quickly and efficiently. The main problem is that energy is not free, it never has been. Every thing you own, eat, and see in your life has been fueled by the sun chugging away solar energy. Even fossil fuels are a form of solar energy since it formed (theoretically) from organic materials of old organisms. The problem is energy has become a more heard about issue, because of the demand ( and cost) for energy is increasing across the world as many developing countries start demanding to fuel their own Industrial and technological revolutions. So many have looked at the issue seriously, as we slowly realized that with our rising demand for energy and the onset of global warming, that the technologies we now deploy to use earths resources for our benefit are not sustainable. So much of the international community has taken an interest in sustainable technologies, such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, and even wave power as methods of taking energy from the sun.

  7. way to broad of a ?

    energy surrounds us at all times. what your talking about is our use of energy witch means energy transference. example

    plant's absorb sunlight storing energy get buried a million yrs ago heated and pressure cooked into oill we burn it in cars ect.

    that's wy we are i this problem almost all energy on earth started solar energy i can only think of one and thats notnuclearr which  is mineral based.

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