I try so hard. All the time. I try to give her perfection. I'm taking 3 AP classes right now and a bunch of Academic Classes just to prove to her what I can do. But do you think that's enough? No...It's not. Even perfection isn't enough with my mom. I swear, I'm trying so hard. After school, I need a small break. I usually get that break by going on the computer. She just gave me the computer and told me I have it until 9. I know I'm not an adult but I'm 16 and I try to work hard. Then I started crying in frustration and she called me a name for crying. I begged her to listen but she kept shutting me up. I'm not a bad daughter. I'm not perfect but I'm not bad...I don't ask for anything. I haven't asked for my license. I don't even expect for her to help me with buying a car so I can go to the University. (I wish she would, but if she doesn't, I wouldn't hold it against her.) All I ask for is the couple of hours of mental break with the computer but no. And then I had to set up my bookbag before I could use the computer and she's like, "You better do that later because you won't be coming to me with the BS of I was working and I couldn't use the computer." She didn't even ask me to do the responsible thing first! I was doing it on my own! But even then I'm wrong! I do everything to please her. And nothing will ever be good enough. I love my mom. But she can be so unfair sometimes.