
Why is everybody worrying about the price of petrol ?

by  |  earlier

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it doesn't bother me as i always put 10 quid in the tank




  1. really? and how far is that getting you now?

  2. Because the price of petrol has a knock on effect for how much things like food costs for example.

    The delivery company's has to charge the supermarkets more for that delivery each time it goes up.

    The supermarkets then pass them cost's on to us the paying customers.

    So even if you don't drive you should be concerned :)

  3. Yes. When people start to worry about a few pence per ltr increases, they should stop driving. It never bothered me.

  4. well, you are supposed to put petrol in the tank

  5. I'm not worried about the price of gas... I'm worried about how I'm going to buy groceries because I have no choice about filling the tank every week.

  6. Um you get less petrol for your £10?

    I used to get around a hundred miles for £10, now it's more like 70, so I have to fill up more regularly!

    But you knew that didn't you!

    You  Make the Funny Joke, No?

  7. Yes, but you are not getting the value for money that you used to get.  I am convinced that they are watering it down too

  8. Not EVERYBODY is..... Only the people with cars etc

  9. because its a rip off

  10. if the price of oil stays at say $175 , we face 4 quarters of recession in 2009 + with fuel bills going up, kiss goodbye to your £10.....

  11. Because unleaded is £1.20 a litre

  12. youre supposed to give the money to the braindead kiosk drone you twonk

  13. Urm....but putting £10 in and having to refill four times as much is the same as putting £40 in to start with....

    Anyway, it's not just the price of petrol. The price of oil affects the prices you are paying to heat you home, produce your food and other goods...

    And personally I'm pretty fer up with the garages. On the news I see them in some town in the north, or hte south west, where petrol is being sold for £1.20, yet here the same garage is selling petrol for £1.25......they're obviosly just trying to squeeze as much money out of us as possible. greedy or what?

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