
Why is everyoe so opposed to g*y marrige?

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what is wrong about letting people be married g*y?

i mean why does it matter, its not like you are shoving it in everyone's faces?




  1. Some people believe that when g*y people try to live their lives normally and happily, they are "shoving it in their faces."  Some people believe they have the right to force their superstitions on others, by telling us what their gods think is right or wrong, or what some book written in the Bronze Age says is wrong.  Some people their discomforts should be illegal, just because they're uncomfortable.  Some people just believe they have the right to interfere with the rights of others, and tell people who they are and are not allowed to love.

    It's all bunk.  Mind your own business, and let other people mind theirs.

  2. I suspect those people are either religious fanatics, or want to be real macho men, because of unresolved problems of sexual identity. An example is Senator Larry Craig R, Idaho, or Republican Congressman Mark Foley.

  3. Well I have a lot of g*y friends and well to me  the best friends I have always being supportive. The problem with society and g*y marriage is that (no offense), but it seems that SOME of the g*y community is shoving it in the faces of people who they know do not approve it. No to say that it is not their right to do whatever they want, but if you want something to be accepted you have to go about it in a peaceful way also. I know that as a black female I can relate to the struggles of being discriminated against, but I can tell you that they way the g*y community has said they have been victimized and been discriminated against is not close to the amount of prejudice blacks, hispanics, jews, the irish and other groups have been through since the start of this country. Not to say that any level of discrimination is acceptable. I just think that if g*y marriage becomes something that is being worked towards then it wont be as controversial as trying to just shove the idea down throats of people who are not necessarily against, but just feel as though it's being shoved in their face. I personally support g*y marriage, but I think it will take time and patience for a vast majority of people to become open minded to it and understand it more. I do respect the g*y community though for it's efforts to reach out and be heard. g**s have every right to get married, every right to experience the joys or marriage, I just think that this will be accomplished with time. Just like it took time for women to vote and for segregation to vanish.

  4. I do not believe God made same s*x persons to be together as we could not create life, and we the world as we know it would not exist, I have no problem with people being able to receive ones pensions, social security, or whatever a person would be entitled to in their spouses death, because a lot of places have been able to keep peoples 401,social security checks, and whatever benefits they would be entitled to if that person died, and we should be able to leave things which we worked for to any one we choose,but marriage to me is between a man and woman butts about it. and I have a few g*y friends and we discuss it all the time, but this is my feelings and we all have that right.

  5. people are just mean.

  6. It is interesting to note that those opposed to g*y marriage are labeled as nuts, fruitcakes, mean and whatever you want to label us. If we called you those names it would be called hate speech. Calm down and have a rational discussion not a name calling fist fight. Some people see marriage as a sacred institution and it has existed for thousands of years, not 100 years, as a bond between a man and a woman. It transcends religion as well, it was instituted in many cultures (Roman, Greek, Middle Eastern, British, and Chinese to name just a few) over the centuries as a way to raise children in a stable environment. g*y "marriage" strikes at the very heart of that tradition. I do not think those of us who oppose g*y marriage deny a g*y couple their rights as spouses, certainly I do not. It is just the wording to which we object, and frankly words are important. Lastly I would say that the government should have nothing to do with marriage, it is a personal contract and should neither be condoned nor condemned by government in my opinion.

  7. It is against nature, what can you guys possibly get out of rubbing carbets or sticking it in but. this isn't tradition fools.

    why not go completely against nature and f your neighbors dog. You bunch of sick, freaks. for example lesbians have s*x with rubber d****s why not get the real thing.

    I think the military got it wrong we should send them all to Iraq and that way we drop two birds with one stone.

  8. It Is biblical wrong..........and scientific wrong.... you need the right receptacle......( sinful.) You ask. that is my final answer.

  9. Marriage is meant to be between a man and woman in the eyes of God.

  10. Not *everyone's* opposed--just the nuts and fruitcakes holding onto 100-year-old social traditions.

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