
Why is everyone I know so indecisive?

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I'm the Libra, and I'm always the one making the decisions. It seems that all of my friends, who are not even air signs nor have strong air in their chart, can't make decisions at all. They are always changing their minds and looking at all the sides and outcomes. I'll make a decision quickly and easily, and they'll say "Well...We could do that...But on the other hand". Since they won't make a decision, and they won't listen to me, we never get anywhere.

Why do Libras get the bad reputation for being so indecisive, when from my observations, we're the only ones that seem to know what we want. Haha....Or maybe it's just my own experience?




  1. everyone around you is indecisive because you need to hang out with the fixed signs more!

    Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio, and Leo.

    Leos will have no problem and will not hesitate to take charge of what the plans are for the night, or etc.

  2. Perhaps they are GEMINIS!

  3. I just don't know.  ;)


  4. libra gets a bad rep for this because they are FAIR. they will not make a rash decision that will hurt someone or be damaging in some way. they will weigh their options first and consider all options. but the thing is, it is the libras test in life. each sign has its hard spots that they need to learn to get around. for capricorn it is usually learning self discipline, self restraint and balancing it with a sense of humor and knowing how to relax and have a good time.

    libras who know how to make decisions well and quickly have mastered their abilities to weigh options. it could be that your friends are followers and not leaders. libra, capricorn, aries, and cancer are cardinal. they are leaders. they are initiative. we know well enough that someone has to be first someone has to make the first step and someone needs to jump up and get things rolling. and the cardinal signs serve this purpose.

    signs that sit back and say: oh we could do this, we could do that, we could this that so on so forth.... mutable signs: pisces, virgo, gemini, sagitarius. if you ask them they will list a million and one options and not actually make the choice. signs who sit back and dont really care either way: the fixed signs. as long as fixed signs get what they want, whether it be a piece of pie or to just have a good time, they don't care how to go about it so long as they get it. if you ask them, they say "i dont care either way just hurry up and do something"

    earth signs can be very indecisive. they can be too particular and too slow moving to make fast decisions. virgo gets a bad reputation for this out of all of the zodiacs.

  5. Libras are known for being undecisive when it comes to matters of the heart.They are known for always wanting the BBD (bigger better deal). Always weighing the options of those in their hearts. Trying to make sure they make the right choice.

  6. If they won't listen to you, then adjust the communication, or let them go and find people who will.  Do not dally too long with people who waste your time./or people you feel you waste their time.  

    If the problem is not getting anywhere, remember you have half the responsibility in the situation (even if that is not the case--that is what society generally goes by....)

    Usually when people are indecisive, it's b/c they are afraid (stepping in unknown waters), haven't seen enough of life, seen too much of life, on drugs, or perhaps just don't care.

    I don't think people generally tend to know what they want--but most people (not all), by the age of 20 should have a rough idea of what they don't want/don't need.

    If you were trying to get somewhere (or whatever you're talking about), you probably wouldn't be writing about it......hahahahah at least I know I wouldn't--probably (but I'm guilty of the same thing as well).  

  7. I don't see Libra's as indecisive, I view them as people who try to make the decision that will produce the most harmony both for themselves and the group.  And, I've also seen Libra's sacrifice their own happiness to do what is fair.  You're not indecisive, you just take your time in making decisions. Nothing wrong with that! :)  

  8. Hi RachStar

    Libras are not indecisive. Just because they tend to weigh the pros and the cons before taking a decision, this makes them indecisive? On the contraty, when the come to a decision, they have seen all sides of the issue and the decision they make is LOGICAL and JUST.

    Pluto in 1st house would indicate a person who is constantly throwing out the old to make place for the new sort of speak. It adds intensity and depth to your nature and this can be a very positive force in any set of circumstances.

    As for your friends not listening to you, maybe you have Taurus in 7th which would answer your question. this would make them stubborn and with opinions tht are set in cement and not easily changed.

    Just a thought......

  9. Hey Rach,

    Didn't you say that you had Pluto conjunction the ascendant - perhaps that is why you are making the decisions even though you are the Libra sun.  Remember indecisiveness is a temporary state of a Libra.  A good decision is usually the outcome of weighing all the options as opposed to the impulsiveness of its opposite sign, Aries.  So, you got it all going on there.  Now, why your friends are not listening is a whole other story for which I don't have an answer.

  10. Well maybe it's just your perception. Sometimes we need a little motivation in order to decide. The majority of the times people feel fearful to the consequences of their acts, actually making decisions involves responsibility. If you are mistaken about something you decided the responsibility is yours. Many of us are fearful or just lazzy to make decisions. Hope it helps. :P just my opinion. ;)

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