
Why is everyone crying about the refusal to allow drilling?

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The fact is we need to spend our resources developing an affordable and efficient alternative fuel source. Our government has known for many years that the oil is going to run low and has failed to act on that, they rather accept the status quo.

I just expect a little more from a country that is supposed to be so innovative.




  1. How does allowing drilling have anything to do with developing other fuel sources.  It doesn' t cost the government anything to open up these reserves.

  2. We will not run out of oil.

  3. Oh boy.  We have enough oil in this Country to keep us running for 200 years.  Oil would be cheaper for American and also we would really still need to develop alternative sources, but we need to get off foreign oil.

    Trouble is the Dems passed so many environmental laws that we don't have a chance to tap our oil resources here.

  4. Ummm.....In case you didn't are a part of this county that is supposed to be "so innovative".  So...unless you have the alternative fuel source we are waiting for....shut it.  Until then we need a solution to the rising cost of gas prices.  Many people can't afford to even get to work anymore.  It is the key factor to the fall of our economy.

  5. Because Republicans in ability to do math keeps them from understanding that 21 billion barrels of untapped oil around the US while consuming over 10 million a day does not equal energy independence.

  6. I agree. Our reserves of oil are not renewable. Why aren't people surprised that we can send a man to the moon but not come up with a renewable, alternative source of energy? We could do it if it was a priority and especially if politicians could make lots of $$ from it.

  7. since fixed news run by bush and Chaney gang says so, now oil companies fake the prices made billions profit each MONTH, now they are more greedy (big corporations nature). one more thing to do to make even more profit, drill where ever they want to, ,excuse is to bring prices down, since we cannot afford gas prices for our cars so desperate , will believe anything we hear , without thinking about it,

  8. The fact is there are 68 million unused leased acres and over 10,000 unused drilling permits on public lands, so their eyes are bigger than their stomachs.

    Good leases too: 3-5 bucks an acre per year with significant oil deposits.  You cannot beat that.  Try to lease an acre for 3-5 bucks a year yourself sometime, and then tell me how that works out for you.

    And it's irrelevant anyway: the "ban" he is talking about is a Presidential Order, so the President has all the authority required to rescind that Presidential Order.

  9. People have been working on it.So far there isn't any thing else.So while we wait we need a way to help with price and you have to start some where with breaking away from other countries having so much control over our economy.

  10. EVERY State of the Union address made by Bush included talking points about foriegn oil dependency


    what has he done to help stop it


    (but it sure sounded good !!)

  11. I just don't understand why people can't see that WHILE we are exploring alternative fuel sources, testing and perfecting new discoveries, producing the products, building the infrastructure to support the new products... WE WILL STILL NEED OIL!!

    I guess I just expect a little more deep thinking from contributors to Yahoo.

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