
Why is everyone for Carbon emissions trading now?

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We only contribute 1.3% emissions worldwide and yet Mr. Rudd is making a big deal out of it. China, India and the USA should be worrying about it as they are the biggest contributors. I think its just another scam to get more tax out of the population.




  1. It's all about money..and if anyone here believe it's not true...send me 100 bucks and I'll plant a tree on my property for you.

  2. Of course where have you been.

  3. It would preferred if your question didn't contain bias, but I'll answer the question.

    I'm all for starting an emissions Trading Scheme right now. If we just sit around waiting for India or China to act, we'll be doing nothing ourselves, and nothing to encourage others.

    Starting an ETS would show to the rest of the world that such a developed country such as Australia believes that Global Warming is such a serious issues that they're doing what they can to reduce emissions.

    It's got very little to do with scamming more money out of the population. With the money that the Government takes in from an ETS, they've said that they'll reinvest it into renewable energies. Something that this country should have been running off five years ago...

    We, Australia, have really fallen behind. We should take some world leadership, like Mr. Rudd has tried to do, to show the rest of the world that Australia can make changes, positive changes for the good of the world.

    Just on a side point. An ETS should'nt be seen as a tax-grab. It should be seen as a deterrent to purchasing items that destroy the environment. If you're good to the earth, you won't pay tax (ETS tax). That's fundamentally where everyone is not understanding. The whole point of an ETS is to lower distribution or manufacturing of non-environmentally healthy items/services, and where that isn't possible, the extra money paid through taxation is reinvested to become carbon neutral.

    Note that Australians are the largest per capita polluters in the modern world... Why shouldn't we try and reduce that! It's shameful.

  4. Someone has to set an example to the rest of the world. If it has to be us, so be it.

  5. Because those worse polluters need to keep polluting--to bring in more profits from slave labor!  This is such a SCAM!  If this was really an urgent issue, why are the worse polluters like China exempt so that they can "develop" (that actually what the top contrubutor in the global warming section said).  So it's a "global emergency"--only when and where they want it to be!

    What carbon trading is really about:

    "It's a peculiar and pervasive phenomenon in the nation's capital. Invent a major problem where none exists, then propose a complicated and costly solution, create yet another bureaucratic fiefdom and hand out scads of federal grant money and patronage positions.

    That's apparently what Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Joe Lieberman (D-CT) have in mind with their new legislation to install a "cap-and-trade" system for controlling greenhouse gas emissions.

    Their bill essentially was drafted by the eco-activist Pew Center on Global Climate Change and several multinational conglomerates, including British Petroleum and Royal Dutch Shell. It would establish mandatory emissions limits for carbon dioxide and set up an exorbitantly expensive Rube Goldberg apparatus that would allow companies to buy or sell permits to emit CO2.

    It is the sort of plan Enron used to lobby for."

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