
Why is everyone getting so dumb?

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The dumbness is deafening. What is going on? Feel free to call me dumb for asking this question. I know the satisfaction of a good "takes one to know one" zinger. But you able-minded others, please try to come up with an explanation for this distressing turning point in human evolution.




  1. I wouldn't say that everyone is getting dumber, in fact most people continue to move up the chain of evolution with advances in science, technology, and other things they deem to be most important to themselves.  I know in the US we are perceived as historical buffoons, geography nitwits and completely incompetent when it comes to english and grammar.  People will naturally become adept at things they have an interest in and neglect the things that don't interest them.  Someone might not know when to use to, two, and too but can multiply like nobody's business.

  2. i happen to be a "kid" and yes i think most people think that they are here and have to make the most of it " as in not being helpful but by helping them selfs" instead of trying to create somthing that will help humanity, they just think that smarter people will think it all up for them

  3. I tend to agree with Britt.

    We are smarter now than ever before, we are however addicted to watching dumbness; so, you get more of it on the news, the net and other media outlets.  So while it may appear we are dumbing down, perhaps we just like to "feel smarter" by watching those who aren't quite so smart.

  4. I think the turn point came at the peak of modernization.

    People in return to modernization become stable and in that stability an apathetic nature is born.

    Every generation comes off less caring, less smart, thinks they are more safe.

    So with an 'idea' of safety and stability humanity seems to just put education in no man's land until it's needed.

    But that is a pessimist view, you can always say it only takes one genius to change the world and one million idiots let it sit in destruction.

    the only problem is, that it seem to be a lot more in the closet idiots these days, and a short supply of smart NON BIAS AND OPEN MINDED people. (Yeah that needed to be in cap lock)

  5. so what you're really asking is {"why people don't behave like they are smart or with common sense?Yeah i wonder if we lost our self-control?

  6. I agree with Kate above as to the work ethic of younger people.  It is sad in many ways.

    But I have a couple of other ideas as well.  To some degree it is about perspective.  How old are you?  Go back and ask your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. if they thought you were "dumb" when you were younger.  In many ways, as you become older and wise, society as a whole looks less and less wise.  Because you are becoming one of the smarter ones.  Make sense?

    Secondly, more and more people are openly rejecting Christ, meaning that people are instead buying into this "its all about me" mentality....meaning that it doesn't matter if I am rude or not, I don't care about others, it is all about how much "stuff" I can accumulate and "to h**l" with everybody else.  Juvenile, immature and way off base, to be sure, but nevertheless growing and growing as a big negative in our society.

    The most content people I know are believers of a firm conviction.  Because they realize that, in the end, they will be going to a better place than this one.

  7. I don't think that they are dumber, just more complacent.  They don't care to advance like their predecessors.  Everyone is looking for the easy way out, the convenience of it all.  

    Technology has a lot to do with kids not wanting to try so hard.  They want things to be fast and easy and if they are neither, they don't think they should have to bother with them.

    It's like hard work does not account for anything anymore.

  8. cell phones are making our country dumb . people are more rude than ever before

  9. I would tell you but it might hurt your feelings.  Seriously, ever hear of social promotions?  What about affirmative action?  The grand experiment of social engineering has failed miserably.  Now consider this: in the 1950s and 60s a good many mothers stayed home to raise the children.  Dad would come home, not be very talkative, demand a little peace and quiet and before too long, mom would end up on Valium.  Well, now mom's out in the work force in far greater numbers.  She's no longer on Valium, but the kids are all on Straterra and Ritalin...  It's not REALLY that people are getting dumber or that education is slipping, it's just that things are changing at a far greater rate.  We've seen certain nouns and adjectives suddenly convert to verbs: Text and Disrespect are both classic examples.  Welcome to the technologic superhighway.

    So, think about this.  Does the kid at McDonald's know how to count back your change to you?  100 years ago, a good many students learned their reading and history lessons from the Bible.  Seems we've made decisions on subjects on which  we focus.  Chances are, the kid won't have a clue about counting your change back, but sure knows how to wheel and deal on the latest techno-gadget.  Your change is correct only because the machine told the cashier how much to give.

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