
Why is everyone giving infant formula such a bad rep?

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Sadly, for one reason or another, some new mothers unfortunately find themselves unable to breastfeed their newborn or infant.

It isn't due to laziness or lack of willpower on their part either - no matter how hard they try, there simply isn't enough breast milk available (or sometimes any at all!) so those mothers have no other choice but to rely on infant formula in order to feed their baby and run the risk of being unable to bond with their newborn in the process.

What other choice(s) do they have?

Besides, infant formula is apparently the next best thing to breast milk so what's the deal here?




  1. I can't imagine that anyone here, or elsewhere, would be against giving a baby formula if there was nothing else to give him. In other words, if a mom cannot breastfeed because she isn't producing milk (a rare situation when a mom exclusively breastfeeds from the beginning), I don't think that anyone would take issue with her offering formula.

    But breast milk does provide significant health benefits to an infant. So, in general (meaning when there is a general discussion or question of formula vs. breastfeeding), it makes sense to advocate breastfeeding over formula-feeding. Not that anyone needs to be pushy or rude, but simply supportive of the better food choice.

    ETA: I don't get mad at or look down on moms who formula-feed - whether it is because they physically can't or because they simply choose not to try. Of course, I wish more babies were breastfed, but I am not going to personally judge anyone for their feeding decision. I am not in their shoes....

    BUT, I do get mad when people, whatever they feed their baby, answer questions like these with responses that are intended to downplay the benefits of breast milk. Comments such as "I took formula, I am fine" or "Formula is almost as good as breast milk" or "Breast is best is just a myth" (and I have seen all of these comments made on this forum), really irritate me. It is one thing to decide for yourself to formula-feed, I respect your right to make that choice, but it is entirely another thing to ignore the vast amount of scientific research we have about the benefits of breastfeeding in an attempt to present the decision as "no big deal" to other women.

    Your misinformation may encourage a new mom not to breastfeed. And it certainly contributes to the ignorance that people in this society have when it comes to breastfeeding.

  2. I know how hard b/f is my girl is 6 weeks tomorrow and we are still trying to get there i know how emotionally hard it can be there have been many tears on my side so i can see how people turn to formula and i don't think there is anything wrong with formula i don't think anyone should be made to feel guilty about that  

  3. Now without infant formula, for those mothers who could not produce breast milk, there children would die.  I sometimes wonder if the people who banter others for using formula think about that at all.  

  4. I often wonder the same thing!  I have never been able to breast feed due to a reduction and because of that formula companies are my best friend.  

  5. Well, breastmilk is best but you're right, it doesn't work for everyone.

    I breastfed my twins for 3 weeks and then switched to formula because it was too hard for me to keep up with them.

    I think every mother has to make her own choice and be Ok with it.

    I plan to breastfeed the baby I am pregnant with right now and stick with it.

    In the long run I think breastfeeding is a lot easier.

  6. It's EXTREMELY rare for one to not produce enough milk to breastfeed, unless they start out supplementing or put their baby on a schedule instead of feeding on demand. Many just think they aren't producing enough because they can't see how much their baby is getting. Lack of knowledge and support are the main reasons moms chose not to breastfeed. But you are right, formula is the next best thing and no one should have a problem with woman who are unable to breastfeed. It's the women that chose to formula feed that get and should get the bad rep.

    BTW: I've never had to give my breastfed babies vitamins or supplements.

  7. I honestly think the anti-formula craze is tied to the "think green" movement. Everyone wants to go "natural", and in the realm of babies, that's breast-milk. Sadly, much like the extremists in the enviromental movements who link running your dishwasher to immorality (yes, I have heard this argument), the extremists in the baby feeding movement forget the factors that go in to the formula verses breast decision - factors that many mothers have little or no control in. Some mothers are sick and have to take medication that does not allow them to nurse their babies, others have to go back to work after 6 weeks, and are unable to pump breast milk at work. There are so many viable, legit reasons many mothers cannot breastfeed that I find it sad and disturbing when these mothers are targeted and told they are letting down their children. Many of these mothers are already tormented by the external factors that disallow them to nurse their babies; it is sad they also have to deal with complete strangers glaring at them and scolding.

    BTW - even those mothers who have a choice should not be looked down on or shunned because they chose formula. They are doing what they believe is best, I was raised on formula, as were my parents. I don't think I suffered any for it. Formula has only gotten better over the years and the formula on the market today is 100 times better for our babies than the formula we were raised on.

  8. Infant formula is definitely a life saver for those babies who cannot have breastmilk.  But it's become greatly overused, to the point where women who could breastfeed now believe that they can't.

    When it's compared to breastmilk, formula carries risk of an increase incidence and severity of a number of illness and diseases for both mother and baby.  To give you an idea, formula fed babies are twice as likely to be hospitalized in their first year of life than breastfed babies.

    If it was only about those who needed it using it, it wouldn't be a big deal, but formula marketing, and formula experience from our mothers, friends, doctors and society in general, sabotages the breastfeeding efforts of those who want to breastfeed.  

    Recommendations are for all babies to be breastfed, with rare exceptions.  Unfortnately we have 60% of the population thinking that they are rare exceptions due to our general ignorance as a society about breastfeeding and our too-quick acceptance of formula as being pretty much the same as breastmilk..

  9. I find it interesting that breastmilk is supposed to be this PERFECT food for babies, but you have to give breastfed babies a vitamin supplement!  (for iron and vitamin D)  Not so perfect, if you ask me.

    I have a favorite slogan for formula: "It's formula, not RAT POISON!"

  10. Here are some of my thoughts on the subject!

    Breast milk – the miracle food for your little one – contains the perfect balance of nutrients, contributes antibodies to protect your baby from disease, and continually changes to meet the nutritional needs of your growing child. But many women decide, for many reasons, to supplement breast-feeding or exclusively formula-feed from birth.

    Organic Formulas:

    The benefits of organic baby formula are fairly straightforward. Organic baby formulas are made with certified organic ingredients and the makers must meet organic certification standards. This means that dairy based baby formula are made with milk produced by cows that have not been fed with pesticide sprayed feeds or injected with growth hormones. The major drawback of organic formula however is it can get quite expensive.

    Infant Formula:

    Unlike regular cow’s milk, Infant Formulas are formulated after breast milk and contain the recommended percentages of protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins and minerals. In fact, health care experts recommend cow’s milk based, iron-fortified Infant Formula as the next best alternative to breast milk because it offers a complete source of nutrition for your baby during his/her first year.

    If you do choose to formula-feed, hold your baby close, cherish those special feeding moments and feel secure knowing that no matter what form of feeding you choose, it will provide a nutritious choice for you and your healthy, happy baby.

  11. Because they are jerks.  I was built to breastfeed and when it came to do it - nothing or at least not enough to even come close to feeding twins.  I was a 34D before they were born and was a 44DDD when they were born.  Even with professional help, I had barely enough to feed my boys the cc's the both needed on a daily basis for the 2 months they were in the NICU.  I am an affluent white mother with awesome medical care and was in the best of health so if it can happen to me it can happen to anyone.  I gave my boys every drop I could but when they came home it wasn't going to feed them for real so formula was the choice.  If someone with b*****s as large as mine couldn't do it you know there are a lot of ladies out there a lot worse off than I was.  Medically speaking my milk never came in since they were born at 31 weeks.  Hippy mom's on the hunt to hate other mom's need to go craft something and get off any other mom they know nothing about.  I am a full time stay at home mom so I have done everything right but still no breast milk.  Sorry hippies, get over it.

  12. I am one of those mom's that can't produce enough milk.  I was planning on pumping, (having the baby latch on was entirely too painful).  At each time I would pump I could only get a half ounce out of each breast.  And I would pump for 10 minutes on each side, and pumped every time I felt that weird feeling in my nipples.  So I have no choice but to use formula, and I am so sick of people asking me if I'm breastfeeding and when I say no, they look at me like I'm a horrible person.  I wish I could understand why some people look down on Mom's that can't breastfeed.  I would love for them to have to deal with not producing enough milk, then they could see where we come from.

  13. People aren't giving infant formula a bad rep, and they aren't being like this to the mothers who can't breastfeed. It's the one's who can, and are able to breastfeed and just dont

  14. oh i totally agree with you. im currently pregnant with my first and am planning on breastfeeding (due to a nagging boyfriend) and i get soo annoyed by mothers who feel it is their jobs to put down formula feeding mothers. no matter what the reason, wheter it is they dont have milk, dont feel comfortable doing it, it dosent fit their schedule or whatever it shouldnt matter what someone is feeding THEIR baby. atleast your baby is being fed and you are being a good mother reguardless. people always think they know what is best for everyone else.  

  15. Because breast is best and we all know that but sometimes, in certain situations it isn't best. Especially if you end up with cracked nipples and are in agony. A formula feeding happy Mummy is better then an unhappy breastfeeding Mummy. I have never, ever heard of a mother not being able to bond with a baby because she had not breastfed. I do feel there is a lot of animosity towards formula feeders on here which makes me laugh becasue I saw one said Breast n**i post a question on here regarding smoking in front of her baby. Double standards?

  16. YAWN!!!!

    Well this will just start an argument that wasn't needed...

    As long as baby is fed, loved, and taken care of I could care less..But I will be breastfeeding my next child(when I get pregnant again) and I hope to have more support and information  than I did with my first..due to lack of information he wasn't breastfed and I regret that to this day...

  17. It is life.

  18. i know where you are coming from. everyone always used to ask me if i was breastfeeding, and when i said i was they would say, thats great keep doing it as long as you can, its the best thing you can do for a baby. i would hate to hear the answer if i had of said no.

    a friend of mine had a new bub, wanted to breastfeed and the nurses kept pushing her to. sadly her milk never came in. still the nurses kept telling her to breastfeed and that she was basically a bad mother for putting the bub onto formula. when she tried to express herself she got a whole 2 mls. hardly enough for a newborn and this was on day 5. she fed the bub formula cos he was screaming and she didnt want him to starve. when she told me about what the nurses had said i was so shocked. they are meant to offer support to new mums, not put them down. its disgusting.

  19. You seem so sure that people who can breastfeed always do.  This has not been my experience.  Some moms just don't want to watch what they eat anymore and/or don't want the sole responsibility of feeding the child.

    50 years ago, 95% of women were bottle feeding.  It was a staunch group of granola moms that started Le Leche League and forced the issue of breastfeeding up to front and centre.

    So, in response, studies have been done and the more we learn, the better breastmilk is... and the less formula can compare.  So, in turn professionals are urging capable moms to breastfeed.

    Unfortunately, the business of motherhood is dominated by females who, sadly, tend to be catty.  Self-important moms armed with studies and suggestions by professionals take it upon themselves to judge women who don't breastfeed.

    My opinion?  The same as most:  If you can breastfeed, you should.  If you cannot, thank goodness for formula!

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