
Why is everyone handwritting different?

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I often ponder this, dont know why. I think I have weird hand writing.




  1. Everyone has different handwriting. Just as our personalities and fingerprints are unique, so is our handwriting. Sure, families and close friends could all have similar handwriting. But, there are fundamental differences between the styles of both of them and they often are a reflection of our personalities, beliefs, upbringing, the schools we attended, etc. That is why handwriting analysis is so fascinating. Because by learning about another person’s handwriting, it can give us some clues and glimpses into their lives.

    We are all taught to write the same way, but the results are very different. I think it's because each child's personality is different and that difference shows up in their handwriting. Everyone handwriting is different because the way you hold your pencil and perform your letters is how your handwriting is different from everyone else.  

  2. we are taught to mimick a type of print and then are let loose generally boys handwriting isnt as good bc of a lower level of moter skills when the mimicking is stopped and some girls want everything to be pretty at that age and end up with nice handwriting and some girls dont care and just want it to be ledgible but bc of more advanced moter skills at the age they stop mimicking ends up more curvy.

  3. It depends on how long have you been writing.  I guess it could also be different if you are left handed or right handed. And your hand size may affect it also.  The way you were taught how to right also.  Ive heard that your personality effects your handwriting too.

  4. I have taught Calligraphy (the art of beautiful handwriting) for many many years and have discovered in teaching that there are things that affect ones writing.  

    The first one is how the pen is held. The correct way would be to hold the pen within an inch (2cm) from the nib and to pinch it between the thumb and pointing finger and rest it on the third finger.

    The second thing is how one sits.  If you write something and get up for a reason and come back and sit differently, it affects your writing.

    The third thing is the speed that one writes. The faster one writes the more illegible ones handwriting becomes.  With Italic handwriting for example we encourage our students to develop a rhythmical flow, and to slow down ones pace. Write to slow music - it relaxes you.

    The pressure that one applies on the pen is also a thing that affects handwriting. Ball point pens require pressing harder as does the H pencil range. Use softer tipped pens to find your flow and the B pencil range.  Your safest pencil is the HB pencil.

    There is no harm in having different ways of writing. You can slant or write straight up or even print. Your character is reflected in the way you write.  AN untidy person is more likely to scrawl than a neater person would.  A creative person is likely to use whirls and curls and extend down strokes and up strokes.

    Calligraphy is a lovely thing to do and you need not be an artist to write beautifully it simply a choice. One can make good money with it as well.  People who marry might require your skills to write on or write out invitations for them. Anyone can do this after all we all have to write don't we. The beauty about calligraphy is it teaches you patience and relaxes you and the rewards of ones efforts are unimaginable.  You begin to appreciate lovely lettering.  You peruse through old books of Kells and admire the artistry involved in the art of lovely handwriting.

    In the old days when there were no printing presses, monks used to sit in scriptoriums, which were hexagonal buildings with windows on each wall. Seated in front of a lectern these monks would work until it was dark and continue by candle light that's why many ended up with bad eyesight in later life.  One book quoted a monk as saying that he would write "until his thumb felt as if it had been trodden upon!" Lol.  

    In the old day s letter forms were based on the architecture of the time.  The Romans used rounded lettering and if you look at the Roman architecture you will see their buildings are rounded (dome like) where as the Gothic handwriting favored by the Germans was based on their staccato type of buildings. Very precise and finished. Makes one wonder about what one sees these days doesn't it.  

    Your writing can be altered or changed depending on all of the above and one other thing - the mood you are in!!! That affects everything!!! Lol.

    Well I hope that answered your question for you. May you find the path to improving your handwriting and enjoy the rewards of the constant practice it takes to perfect it. Good luck to you.

    By the way all it takes is commitment and dedication, practice and a lot of patience. Those are choices not feelings!!!!

  5. Personally, I think that it is factored by many different things.  From the way and rate the person obtained hand-eye- coordination as a baby, to the person's individual personality.  Other factors could be how persistent the person was at learning to write pretty, or if they (like me) always figured that as long as they could read it, it was good enough.  There are alot of factors involved.

  6. i have always wondered about this too... here is an interesting website that shares one persons opinion on the matter

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