
Why is everyone in T.V. Commercials married?

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Why do all the adults in commercials show that they are married? When you look at they're left hand it all ways has a wedding band,Why is that? Especially in ones for Pampers, Baby and Kids stuff the "Mom" always shows her left hand, I mean cmon, there are single people out there.




  1. fairy tales  are  more  romantic  and  attract  everyone

  2. the family in the BT internet adds arent

  3. ADVERTISING is a big money business.  There's no coalition of single moms demanding represention, but there IS a giant conservative movement that can withhold their financial support.  Ads are also pyschologically manipulative things.  Lots of single moms have it rough, and marriage equals stability (even though a rational woman knows otherwise) --  but on tv, the happily married woman buys Pampers.  

    So the single mom buys the Pampers in an effort to be more like the fairy tale housewife in the commercial.  Subversive evil stuff when you think about it.

  4. The companies want all people with children or appearing to live together to appear married.I notice it as well.The advertising companies are fairly conservative,like Proctor and Gamble.People would actually boycott the companies if some lady in a Pampers commercial didn't have a ring on.I read an article about it once.Try to find a commercial for KY or something without the people wearing wedding rings.You'll never see it.Most people would never even notice,but there are Christian watchdog groups that look at every little detail of stuff like this.

  5. good observation

    i noticed that all the YOUNG people featured in commericals are all single, not even in a relationship, did you notice that???

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