After working at my job for over 2 years, never late, never called in, worked many shifts without even a lunch break, I got called to the office twice the last couple days and I came home yesterday. I have been under so much stress and my supervisor has been a real b lately. There has always been favoritism in the time I have worked there, the boss would go days without even speaking to me.
I was told that I was being sent to another department at the end of the month but would remain in my current department till then. I went back to my area, worked nonstop on a big project along with several others. I came in the next day and was called upstairs again and told I just wan't focusing enough and since learning I was being put in another area. I only learned I was being the day before and had continued to work nonstop on a project and came in to work the next day and continued with other projects so I couldn't have been slacking. They want me to be on the phone with a customer, ringing someone up at the register, and doing a project which required both hands and concentration. I would think that anyone that brought in an important project would want it to be done correctly with full attention not just shoved in with other less important things.
I asked if someone could give me a ride home because it was dark and my neighborhood is unsafe and I have to ride the bus, the boss said I would have to get home on my own, so I ended up being out after dark and walking home (the bus never showed up). I sent a nice heartfelt email to my boss because it only upsets me when I talk to her, and she has not even responded back. I presume I am fired as I have heard nothing. What shocks me the most is how cold m coworkers are, they don't even care. What ever happened to poeple carring about others and how do you shut someone out of your life that you have worked with for years. Also my coworker (the only other trained employee for the department got in trouble last week and I look for him to quit soon because all the work is put on him because the supervisor does nothing and she has to be off alot because her baby is sick, or she has to go to court, or this or that.
I feel really betrayed and have learned that hard work and being dependable and loyal gets you know where and people will stab you inthe back.
Is there anyone in the world left that thinks that the human race is going downhill in it's compasion for others?