
Why is everyone making bird houses for Kevin Jonas?

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what would you rather do, save the trees for animal habitat or birdhouses for some rich q***r to use as firewood?




  1. Yeah, never mind finding more shelters or homes for homeless people!  Kevin Jonas wants 1000 wild birds hanging around!  Brilliant!

  2. I hear the Jonas Brothers are just real big fans of wood if you catch my drift.

  3. Kids are wasting trees!

  4. Seeing that I'm the idiot everybody else is talking about, I would like to say that I made my birdhouses with recycled wood and other recycled products.

    eh. People are so negative here. Always assuming the worst about somebody.

  5. he wanted a birdhouse in the camp rockk movie :]

    and i dont think making birdhouses is going to hurt the animal habitat anyways.

  6. isnt he the one that > now the world knows he has sugar deitbics. so who knows the poor little birds need homes too. lol the firewood deal i dont think he needs to put a log on the fire, he will just tell his brothers to turn up the heat.  

  7. ????

  8. As an introduction to the song "Play My Music" in their tour, Kevin would ask "Has anyone built me a birdhouse yet?" Implying to a line he said during the movie Camp Rock, in which Play My Music is from.

    I don't think this would affect the animal habitat. More trees are getting chopped down for paper... So maybe we actually do need bird houses?

  9. the point: Camp Rock Kevin always asks about making a birdhouse.

    the fans: What to be remebered by Kevin/Jonas Brothers because they always talk about "the real live hippo" they got from a fan. so yaa.

    trust me the jonas brothers can't help it, it's the fans. But i should tell you the jonas brothers are very GREEN> =]  

  10. Animal habitat! We all know as Chelsea said on Chealsea Lately, Kevin is "the other one" so obviously its a waste. Why are you even his fans? And its just a movie people! He didnt really want a birdhouse...and to that idiot that made 35 birdhouses, way to help kill the rainforest...

  11. I know.  It's extremely stupid.

    Do they honestly think they'll keep all 30 something of those bird houses?  

    And c'mon, I think I've made one or two bird houses in my lifetime.  But someone made 35!?  He's going to think they're crazy.

    I guess they have no respect for the environment.

  12. He's a mutant Bird-Man, duh.

  13. That's well sad if people notice small things like that and like 'aa have to make a birdhouse!!

    What a random thing!! I'm sooo glad here in england kids aren't as obsessed with the jonas brothers s much!

  14. Yes making birdhouses for someone people look up to for being a good role model (whether people want to accept that or not) is going to kill our environment.

    I'm pretty sure there are much bigger things that are killing our environment.  

  15. because of his Camp Rock character, they want to be memorable and give hims some much needed attention... I frown on the waisting of the materials (hopes he des something eco-friendly with them) but applaud the fan support he's getting

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