
Why is everyone making such a big deal about race this presidential election?

by Guest58255  |  earlier

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Isn't what makes a good president their morals and values as a person? Isn't it racist to even believe that race would have any bearing on whether a man makes a good leader or not? Isn't it a little late on the time-line for talk of oppression? In my opinion, race and gender should have absolutely nothing to do with a person's vote this election. Why don't people vote for the better MAN, not the "better race"?




  1. Race is an issue because Obama makes it an issue.  "Did I mention I'm Black?".

    If Obama were white, none of us ever would have heard of him.  He could write books about HOPE until the cows come home, nobody would care.  The color of Obama's skin represents the CHANGE some people want so he is going to ride that pony as long as it will run.

    He demolished Hillary with it even though she was eating his lunch late in the primary.  He's betting it will work in the general too.

    Without race, Obama is a non-starter.

  2. Aside from your question, I don't really see many people talking about Race... really...

    More people seem to believe that Palin is some kind of feminist... which is very disturbing to me...

  3. If the last eight years have demonstrated anything to me, it has shown that the chief executive of the government needs to be competent.  Morals and values are secondary.  Either way, it seems out of the two candidates, Obama is definitely the more competent and in my opinion, just as moral as McCain

  4. You are complely right race and gender do not matter.  When you say morals and values as a person.  It may be semantics but until ones actions betray them all the candidates have stong morals and values.  What is important to me is where one stands on the issues.

    As far as this election is concerned, I feel this is one of the most important elections we have had in years.  I feel that the path the Buch/cheney admin has been terrible for our country, both economically and in our foreign policy.  It is terribly important that our next president have the skill and ability to change the course.  While I feel that McCain has good morals and values, I don't think he has the ability (to fight the republican establishment) or the ideology to make the changes our country needs.  I think that Obama has the morals and values and the ability to change the course our country is on.

  5. I'm not.

    I'm voting for McCain because I don't like Obama's left wing politics.

    Democrats for McCain !!

  6. its tough to do when to white guys are running ,this is a great opportunity

  7. The only person saying anything about race is Obama.

  8. of course it should not be an issue. but Obama himself brought it up and in fact is counting on his color getting him some votes. That's kind of a reverse racism, or something.  

  9. Oh because it's like a historical landmark considering the segregation that was  in place only 60 odd years ago. Shows how much progress America has made, and also how much more is needed. That really is it, it shouldn't actually have any bearing on if you vote for the guy or not...


  11. Obama's the one who has played the race card.  The fact that he's not white (because even he doesn't seem to know his race) has nothing to do with why I won't vote for's because he's a racist and a liar who will ruin this country.

  12. if he wins its because he is african american if he loses its because he is african american either way the liberals, democrats and other african americans will say its because of race i personally think this is biggest example of affirmative action ever he just doesnt have the experience or the tolerance to lead this country

  13. Yeah, I think Obama brought the whole race issue into play here...I think he has a thing with race that is probably why he went to a racist church for most of his adult life.

  14. **********VOTE FOR AMERICAS SURVIVAL**********

    .              -MCCAIN IS OUR BEST SHOT-

  15. agreed..

    i heard this on the radio

    "if obama loses then race was a bigger issue then we perceived"

    as if the issues and character had nothing to do with it.

    mccain has bipartisan support unlike obama. that is why he should win to unite america..not like obama who is only interested in uniting the democratic parties. george washington once warned us about the party system. and anyone willing to go against the system is someone i can vote for- which is what i find in both mccain and palin. and completely devoid in both obama and biden.

  16. I don't think anyone is making a big deal out of race.... now there's been a big issue made over s*x and wether a mother can also hold a job.

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