
Why is everyone mocking mccain for his vp pick and saying that it is a big gamble?

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Why is everyone mocking mccain for his vp pick and saying that it is a big gamble?




  1. Three Possible Answers

    1) Because they are hypocrites and are probably voting for Obama/Biden

    2) Her inexperience to an extent disqualifies McCains claim that Obama is not experienced enough for the U.S. presidency

    3) He picked a woman because Obama didn't

  2. Its all politics and to be expected.

    should we expected them to say " great pick, she's better than our old blow hard pick, Biden" (been in washington longer than mcCain!).

  3. Because it is an incredibly stupid pick from someone in McCain's position. He made a gaffe recently re not knowing how many houses he owns; this is troubling on two levels; one, if you have so many houses you can't keep track of them all, perhaps you need to sell off five or six; second, if you can't keep track of your own property then you shouldn't try to run an entire country.

    Actually picking Palin is not a gamble at all; she has zero qualifications to take over the office should something happen to McCain. She is anti choice, she had a downs child and she jogs and eats caribou, not exactly a sterling resume for the next to the highest ofc in the land.

  4. I am not mocking his pick, but I am not pleased with his hypocrisy.  The McCain camp has openly and repeatedly attacked Obama's lack of experience, but then he turns around and nominates some with little experience.  McCain had many candidates to choose from that were more qualified.  How is this not an exercise in hypocrisy?

    I am still supporting the libertarian party, but my stock in McCain diminished over this move.

  5. idk, its not THAT big of a gamble, no more than Biden is for Obama.

    Both are respectable choices, but everyone thinks that it is a risk.

    VP's dont make nearly as much of a difference in a vote as the last debate that takes place.

  6. Its a roll of the dice.

  7. because her only qualification is she looks a little like Hillary

  8. The truth is Palin is an extremely solid pick.  Much more solid that Biden, but Obama had no choice there.  Palin's favorable first impression rating is 53%, contrast that with Biden's 48%.  Some are mocking the choice because no matter who is tabbed VP a  political reason can be attached to it.  Others mock the choice because they are ignorant.  The last group who mock the choice are afraid, because it is a sound and formidable selection that makes McCain very tough to contend with.

  9. Because he kept on saying how Obama had no experience and he picks her... who doesn't have that much experience....

    But everything is open for interpretation.

  10. same as you pretending to be a black aveator to shoot your mccain propaganda to swade african americans to vote mccain.

    Funny when that happens

  11. 1. He only spoke to her once, at a convention for a short while, yet he calls her up and offers the VP slot months later

    2. He has a record history of voting against women's rights and equality, yet he picks her for VP.

    3. There are a lot more qualified VPs than her, yet he picks somebody with less experience than Obama when his age becomes a real issue.

    4. Obviously he picked her to sway some women voters as if women will just go to any woman. Women aren't stupid.

    5. He used the infamous "dark house" and it's always a big risk; for big gains, or big losses.

    6. She's from Alaska, that brings almost no competitive state in the mix because that state is most likely going to go red.

    7. The scandals and investigations are already underway in a such important time: Republican National Convention.

    8. This was a defensive move, not a rational one, he was behind polls from many sources, so he had to make a quick judgement; which clearly shows his attitude: win-at-all-costs.

    9. Face it, regardless of what McCain says about his age, there is still that risk that he could pass away anytime. There is a high risk of that, and what happens if he does pass away? She'll be the VP, the person with less experience than Obama. This is a real issue to consider.

    10. In July, just last month, on a news show she was in a conversation about VPs and she, in confusion, asked what does a VP exactly do? Imagine having a doctor asking what is the big knife looking instrument for, and a month later having him operate on you? Now think about Palin, and also think about #9.

    Add all these up and you'll know why it's a big gamble.

  12. Because he picked an unexperienced woman in hopes to win the Hilary vote.

  13. On one hand, McCain has baited the Republican hook with fishnet stockings, and on the other, seems to state that  Washington politicians are incompetent; so let us get a pretty bird from the Alaskan bush. "Voila!"

    Looks like a form of Republican prostitu---- Uhhh, "political purchase" for the consumer!.  The age of the "trophy" politician is upon us. However, the eye candy does seem to have brains.

    Next thing you know we will have Jerry Springer for press secretary for the U.S. President and Paris Hilton for Secretary of Defense.

    Ah will, what the hill; the carnival begins. Disney sells tickets in D.C.

  14. They're scared and they know Obama needed Hillary on his ticket to win.

  15. because i'd be equally as scared if a plumber were hired to perform surgery on my heart.

    no one wants the leader of the free world being less educated than the regional managers of walmart.

    palin couldn't even get better than 3rd tier education of college in which she only minored in political science. oh.. and then she decided to go fishing rather than to get experience in law, history, international, nor anything else pertinant to political positions. she wasn't good enough then and she isn't good enough now.

    oh.. and because since frontal lobe damage starts to set in at the age of 40 and very serious, rapid decline of all brain functions set in 15 years before death, we're all seriously questioning his judgment cause its obviously defected - even my family members, being solid Republican voters, (me non-partisan) are angry with this obvious bad choice.

    and.. he could die - leaving the absolutely least experienced and uneducated -by a long shot - presidential pick for VP in the last 100 years of history.

  16. Sarah is our secret pun intended.

  17. Because it's true. If you pay attention, he's just trying to get a bigger fan base. If he gets elected then what? You pick a VP that can really handle things if something happens to you and you can no longer lead this nation. Don't pick someone who has to run and change pampers. You don't pick someone who wouldn't know what to do if we get attacked. Just like our pres. today has done. Thats why people are saying what they are saying.

  18. Because they see right through him and her like a silk screen.

  19. because its stupid

  20. In this case, VPs do make a huge difference, I think.

    Biden is old and in the way of change, but the public seem to be looking past that.

    Palin is fresh and ready to fight against political rhetoric and business as usual.

    McCain, well he's just the man for the job.

    Obama, not so much.

  21. The fad and excitement of it will have faded by November. She won't produce the returns she's expected to.

  22. well considering you are one of those "everyone" why don't you tell us?

  23. I think it was a great choice.  Not everyone is mocking it by the way, they are up in the polls are up since the announcement.  Picking a woman is not a gamble, we are over half of the population, it is common sense.

  24. She's a middle class, hard-working, REAL American, not some high profile big wig...They're not used to that, so they consider it to be risky.

    Some people fear the unknown...Others research to make it known

  25. That would be just you mocking anything from the right.

  26. because they are scared.  And they should be.

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