
Why is everyone obsessed with the Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus?

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Why is everyone obsessed with the Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus?




  1. they are brainwashed by disney

    but dont worry they will be old news in a year or so

  2. because the jonas brothers are so amazing and we love their songs and their so hot!

    and miley, some people are obsessed with her but not me

  3. I have no clue but I dont like the jones brothers but miley is ok

  4. People are obsessed with Jonas Brothers. Miley not really. A lot of people just like the Jonas Brothers for their looks.

  5. i'm not obsessed with either

  6. Cause they are awsome y u dont think soo.

  7. there songs there lokks and there famous

  8. people are obsessed with the jonas brother but miley not so much ! Personally i think it's a watse of time and they're a waste of space !

  9. idk but it seems like a waste of time to me

  10. h**l NO... Both annoying.Miley not that good and the JONAS BROTHERS ARE TERRIBLE!

  11. I´m very Obsessed with the jOnas brOthers..  :D

    I lOve JB !


  12. eww that is just sick the only reason the jonas brothers are famous is because of there looks they are so not hot they need to go s***w!  miley cyrus is just a stupid wannabe that everone hates!

  13. They are young and reach out to the teen audience.

    Plus, Disney is a huge company, and they have many rising stars that they bring out of the shadows.

    Poor Miley is being hated on alot recently, though.

  14. coz they are young hollywood.and rising stars

  15. I am not obsessed with Miley Cyrus, but I love the jobros!

  16. its just a fad, that will soon hopefully pass!

  17. I think the reason alottttt of girls are obsessed with the jonas brothers is well of course their looks. and also that fact that they are so down to earth and dont get caught up in the fame.

    Ha, and the reason i like miley cyrus, is because shes liek way different from disney channel stars, she kinda like rebels against disney. shes not afraid to live her life.

  18. Because life isn't fair. D:

  19. whoever is obsessed,is an idiot.

  20. because they are talented and hotter than you

  21. Okay, first of all I HATE MILEY!!! Second, the Jonas Brothers rock!!!

    I guess because there are people who like miley's music (I don't know why) And there are people who can dance to Jonas brothers music (I really can't , but that doesn't not mean I don't love them!) so yeah.

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