
Why is everyone on YA relating Obama with tires

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is there something i missed out on or r they jus haters i respond to a question and he said to thank obama for a tire guage???????????????




  1. Because its a Good Year!hahahahaha

  2. Obama suggested that we woulnd't need to drill for oil if we all filled our tires. It's funny for a couple reasons. If everyone in the country sent me a dollar I'd be a multi-millionaire but gguess what, everyone isn't going to send me a dollar just like everybody isn't going to fill their tires, you can't try to regulate peoples behaviro. This is also funny because the impact thsi would have woulnd't be very big at all. Also, Obama has been opposed to every energy policy and solution proposes so its funny taht he doesn't have a plan of his own and the first concrete thing he said about energy was fill your tires.

  3. Because tires are black?

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