
Why is everyone saying that they are s******g up sonic games?

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I have not liked any of the new sonic games that have come out (except sonic rush), but seriously. No one is trying to "bring back an old franhise" with the new 3d games. The new games are totally different. They may be worse than the originals, but realize that the new games arent even targeted towards the people that loved the old sonic games (other than sonic rush). None of the new games are gonna ruin the old sonic games, if u loved them then go by a wii and play them like i did, or by an old dreamcast.




  1. Well people (critics to fans alike) get mixed conceptions based upon trailers, graphics, etc. and when they do face the actual game they see things like "wow that (insert bad story element) really wasn't what I was seeing before" or "What? The E3 demo was way more controllable" just to use as examples. That basically happened to Sonic Next Gen (or 360 or whatever), the trailers looked beautiful but ended up being a glitchy, not-so-fun game to most. Now some Sonic fans look past the problems and just enjoy the game, so you can't say they are saying the games are being screwed- although other sonic fans say otherwise.

    Maybe the fact is that the old 2D sonic games were made just right and were actually fun that people put such incredible expectations on the series in the future. But it's kind of hard to say if Sega is s******g the series or it's trying to go for the better with new ideas. Maybe that the next two Sonic games, the Werehog element and the (whatever the knights Sonic game is) just don't seem appealing and Sega is just too drastically changing Sonic from the original "run rea -fast through levels and beat Eggman at second act"which early Sonic fans grew up with.

  2. I agree with you but some people get high expectations when a great game comes out and when new ones come out they expect better than the orginal but thats their fault cause if somethings so great its hard to exceed it. That is why I am going to purchase a wii and use the virtual console to play the games from the good old days.

  3. ya, i agree with you on that one

  4. They're "s******g up the Sonic games" by rushing severely flawed games to the market and slapping Sonic's face on them to generate profit. The new Sonic games are unbelieveably buggy, and the stories are pretty lame. They would not sell well if they didn't have the Sonic label because they're not good games. Even if you forget that the Sega Genesis games existed, the new games are still bad.

    I do like many of the new games, but I'm also a diehard Sonic fan. I would not play a game like Sonic Heroes or Sonic Adventure 2 Battle if they weren't Sonic games.

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