
Why is everyone saying weed is good?

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ive never smoked or drank in my life, & i stopped hanging out with the ppl who smoke weed, but they told me that i was weird or something bcuz weed doesnt effect anyone, if it doesnt effect anyone then why do they smoke it every weekend?

-i also saw this site that was all like "weed is good, it makes you happier, it makes you smarter, the only bad thing is it makes you eat" i was like wtf who would want to waste their time doing this, but i couldnt find anything wring with it, it doesnt kill you like other drugs?




  1. Because they are idiots...

    "Weed" actually makes you more stupid, saps your ambition, and tends to turn habitual users into jobless couch potatos living in Mommy's Basement at 40.

    It is also TWICE as addictive as cigarettes, and once the high starts to become harder to acheive, becomes a "gateway" to harder drugs as the addicts need to recapture the high.

    As far as I know, a terminal OD on weed is exceptionally difficult, but eminently possible, since you never know what the dealer has laced it or cut it with.

    Good Luck!

  2. Coming from a medical marijuana stand point; weed is good.

    Ask the Sleep Apnia patient who turned to medical marijuana because the side effects of his traditional medication was making him walk into walls. Ask the Kidney transplant patient who CAN'T take any pain medication processed by that organ. Ask the cancer patient going through chemo. Ask the guy with cluster headaches that lives next door. Marijuana has made many people's lives better. Period.

    It is, however, a drug. Are you at your best when you're on Tylenol cold and flu? No. Same with marijuana, whatever the benefits for some, there are down sides.

    Even if you are in support of medical marijuana, or total legalization, it's wrong to be flippant about it.  

  3. Weed (weak) skunk (strong), there's a big difference

    The only people who say weed is good are weed heads, and they're too off their heads to have any sense.

  4. well, i guess its becas theyre addicting to it and its a drug and they use it to ignor theyre everyday problems...

    i personally think its discusting....

    (not that ive ever done it) but wen i c people smoking it just grosses me out....

    they are just polluting the air and hurting everyone around them

  5. the causative drug in marijuana is called THC, and it DOES cause problems, those who chronically use marijuana seem to live in a constant state of denial about this.  It is their ability to rationalize and deny that keeps them using because it alters their mental state...allows them to essentially run away from those things they percieve in life as being too difficult for them to deal with.  In addition to the THC in marijuana, the toxins created when you burn that plant are very much the same toxins produced by tobacco, and cause the same sorts of respiratory illensses, the lungs are not designed to inhale smoke of any kind.  So, why does "everyone" say weed is good?...well, not everyone does....only those foolish enough to use it.

  6. supposedly it is a gateway drug and it makes you more likely to get into worse drugs later in life

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