
Why is everyone so bent on...?

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talking about/believing the Chinese gymnasts cheating? I'd rather read about all Olympic headlines but this is quite sad that Yahoo answers is flooded with junk discussing this over and over again. You read some news, you read some past news, you believe that whatever you read is true. Not everything you read in the newspaper is "true", and "fact". Haven't you guys learned anything about taking what you read with a grain of salt? Do you have a problem with believing that these girls are of the proper age? Until they say out of their mouths that they are underage, you can't give them credit for the time being that they are of proper age?

So you think that these kids have no integrity whatsoever and that they are simply pawns and easily manipulated? You don't think at least one of them has the integrity to say the truth if it is infact not the truth? Just enjoy these games and you take people's word until proven otherwise. What's wrong with you people? Talk about something else and enjoy the olympic games.




  1. you write: "You don't think at least one of them has the integrity to say the truth if it is infact not the truth?.....[additional comments] Are newspaper headlines enough to persuade you of "cheating". It's not possible to believe the words out of the athletes mouth?"

    so by that logic, if an athlete denies doping, i should believe him/her? consider baseball in the recent past--there are more than a few cases of players denying drug-use to increase their strength and then investigations prove otherwise. sports officials care about the doping...but they care more about the integrity of the athletes.

    it's frustrating for everyone when now we have to call into question to abilities of our olympians and other world-class athletes because we've learned the hard way that we can't always trust what comes out of athletes' mouths.

    anything that might give on athlete an unnatural (as in doping or competing underage) advantage over another athlete isn't fair. and you might argue that competing underage for gymnastics doesn't matter when it actually makes a big difference. the younger you are, the more nimble you are. and i'd hate to think that an older athlete--if even by a year--is at a disadvantage based purely on age. by that token, old athletes don't stand a chance so why not just put 11-year olds back into the olympics.

    i think everyone fully understands that we can't believe everything that we read....but your argument that we should just trust what athletes say is incredibly weak and uninformed.

  2. WHO CARES??The womens team gymnastics is over DONE!China won the Gold,Usa won the silver.Romania won the Bronze medal.Letz move on ppl.Just Enjoy the olympics!But if the chinese DID cheat then that's wrong!

  3. Yes, please everyone; lets talk about something else and enjoy the Olympic games.

  4. Is it so hard to believe that some other athlete trained real hard and beat us?  Or are Americans the only ones that train and should win?  I'm over it and enjoying the rest of the games.  By the way speaking of other news, did you guy's hear a couple rednecks found a Bigfoot corpse?.  Pretty cool if it was real huh?

  5. well radical... when the chinese (on their own websites) claimed last year, the star gymnasts were 13.. (and one of the star girls quoted herself she was 13)and the olympics requires you to be 16.. tell me how they turned 3 years older since then?? and what do you mean dumb americans? do you live in this country.. support the U.S. you ***hole. This is the olympics. Obvious questioning as to whether their is cheating is a big deal. This isnt playground sports. These people are going for medals and life altering performances! And if you watch all news and read more than the popular headlinging events, you will see that even some of their own people are questioning this. (its embarrassing for them)

  6. I have gotten over that subject, if they keep acting like they are 16 then F it.

    But I agree with downsouth_houston

    Cheating is Cheating

    EDIT: Read this link

  7. AMEN!!!!!!!

    Yes...the little Asian gals are WMD!!!

  8. The problem is that their ages have changed from recently published CHINESE GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED NEWS PAPERS

    I could care less about gymnastics, but cheating is cheating

    It at least should warrant inquiries from the ball-less IOC


    read the articles not the headlines of the stories, agencies have the publications refuting their ages

  9. Seymour, show me the evidence. You dumb Americans keep saying that there is evidence against the Chinese but you are not showing it.

  10. We can't find those papers, the China government already destroyed them. In case you forgot the China government controls everything in China.

    But I do agree with your overall point, these games are one of the most exciting sporting events in a long time, lets in joy the show.

    One more thing the two U.S. women went 1, 2 in the all-arounds.  

  11. if they can judge the Chinese gymnasts' age based on the way they look, maybe we can judge the American gymnasts' huge *** body based on doping.  

  12. Well, why is everyone so "bent" on attacking us for wanting the Olympics to be fair?

    This link will explain some of the evidence

    A Chinese newspaper reported one of the girl's age to be 14 in January. Then, they suddenly changed it to make her 16.  

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