
Why is everyone so into Twilight now?

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Is the book THAT good that 2034920 million people are obsessed with it? I've heard about it and have absolutely no interest to read it whatsoever.. If you like it.. what is so "amazing" about it.




  1. Err, well I use to be a fan. Before I read Breaking Dawn... ughh stupidest book ever.

    Anyway, it's because it's so unique, I think. Haha... truthfully it's about some hot Greek God... who happens to be a vampire and falls in love with some chick (whom everyone wants to be).

  2. I wish I could say that it is because Stephenie Meyer is a genuinely good story-teller, and while she IS, I think we all know that is unfortunately not how books become so outrageously famous.

    I'd say that it is the fan base. The Twilight Saga has a fiercely loyal fan base, (probably mostly thanks to Edward), and said fans are quite happy to shout the virtues of the series from the rooftops and convince their friends to read it. And since they ARE good books, their friends will tell their friends and their friends will tell their moms and pretty soon some crazy person will form The United Holy Church of Edward and it'll become the next cool religion. (Just kidding... but seriously, I'm almost waiting for it to happen.)  

  3. It's a fad, like pokemon cards or hannah montana. It'll pass, eventually. whats dumb though, is how they are under the impression that it's a good book.  

  4. because they're retaaardeddddddddd

  5. .....i know what you seriously isn't that good.......why people are sooo obsessed with it...i will never understand.

    Can you please, please, please, please help  me????;...

  6. Basically the romance between Edward and Bella and pretty much how the vampire is attracted to the human. And he happens to just be every girl's dream boy. Plus the whole question of whether Edward will change Bella into a vampire. It's kinda a weak plot but I still love the detail of it, which is mainly why people read it.

  7. Because it is a good book.

  8. Because the pages are laced with CRACK.


  9. Ha. I posted a question a few days ago about how Twilight is not Literature, it is Popular Fiction. Basically, if you like it, that's fine, but please stop saying it should be taught in Lit classes because it is NOT Lit.

    Of course I got at least five responses that said, "OMG ov cors its literature i mean Edward is purrrfect! and i want to b Bella!!"

    Not exactly an explanation as to how it is literature. Pretty entertaining though. Doesn't appeal to me at all. I'm an adult, an English major, a feminist, I am in a serious relationship, and I love the horror genre. I do not want to be Bella, vampires should kill, not sparkle, I prefer my men less controlling/emotionally abusive, and books should have more of a story than whether or not the hot guy is going to kiss the girl. And may I reiterate, vampires do not sparkle.

    Most of the hardcore fans are teen girls who have never read another book in their lives so they have absolutely no idea what good literature is.

  10. Because it's the best book ever!!! lol

    idk why it just is!


  11. Well i like twilight because it has action in it. I dislike reading and whould never read a book after i read twilight i could not stop reading. if you give it a try you actually might like the book but that might just be me.

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