
Why is everyone so jealous of me?

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I'm sorry that people are so jealous of me. But I can't help it that I'm popular.

I just wish I could say this to all those ugly nerdy girls at school. Their envy is starting to annoy me. At first I liked it but now they're just getting desperate! What do I do?




  1. think of it like this , people get jealous when they can't get what others do and its natural ..

    but you to feel the jealousy .. well ... first try to be more modest .. for some reason people hate modest people and I still don't know why and when I say hate not as hate and that they hold anything against them but they just don't feel they are special anymore .. the way you write I know that you are pissed off but it shows you are kinda... not modest ... try to get more down to earth be "you" don't change your style looks the way you talk ... but the way you treat people around you ...* everyone has a problems and when they do .. we try to change ourselves not others* .. that is what I believe in and do .. and it works for me ...  

  2. You are such a jerk!!!!!!I can't believe you just said that when your going to go to college or high school your gonna be the BIG nerd!!!!

  3. because you're so beautiful, hot, talented and smart. so get off yahoo and go hang out with the popular crowd that i'm sure you are the queen bee and ruler of.

  4. You need a psychiatrist.

  5. How about getting a life

  6. You r like self centered Bxxxx who thinks every body  envy's, but they really don't they just hate u for your arrogance and fake attitude , girl if u are so popular and s**y as u describe u r self what r u doing here    .  Who  gave u the right to judge other people  Girl this world is full of more talented , beautiful and smart people , so try to come out of u r UTOPIA , it will be good for u Best of luck.

  7. How about you stop being such a wiatch? Yeah, if you tried to be a bit nicer instead of gee I dunno mean...then you could possibly have people that might actually like you for your personality then for your looks.

    I'm just sayin....

  8. oh my we are just a little full of ourselves aren't we?

  9. Just when I thought the questions on here couldn't get any more ridiculous, I came across yours! Why any one would want to be jealous of a conceited snob is beyond me!  

  10. a) stop being so big headed +

    b) don't refer to them as ugly nerdy girls.

  11. Deflate your ego and come off that cloud.

  12. I really, really doubt that anyone is jealous of you. What is there to be jealous of in the first place? Even if you are popular, that dies out after high school.  

  13. Wow, aren't we full of ourselves? I am so not jealous of someone like you.

  14. maybe people are jealous that u r popular and u have all the things that they dont have.

  15. Don't worry.

    I'm sure it's all in your mind.

    After all, arrogance isn't s**y, dear.

  16. Lol I like you. whats your myspace? haha im popular at my school too and people hate on me aaalll the time.

  17. ...says the girl at home on a Friday night.

  18. sorry....I am just not that into you

  19. you are really conceited and everyone hates you because of that fact and they're not jealous of u lol....

  20. Those ugly nerdy girls are the ones who made you popular. You obviously didn't become that way because of your winning personality. You should be glad people think of you at all.

  21. okay Gretchen

  22. You should be nice to those ugly, nerdy girls.  Chances are, they're gonna be your boss one day.  You need to get over yourself.

  23. u should lock urself in a toilet cubicle and cry. hahaha

    u sound like a *****

  24. Have you ever been rude to them ? Popularity alone cannot generate envy. Particularly if the popularity is mixed with a polite behaviour.

    Right now you cannot do much if people are jealous of you. You can maintain a cordial and humble approach in your dealings with them. If you are sincere, you will slowly win their friendship.

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