
Why is everyone so moody these days?

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Why is everyone so moody these days?




  1. It's the weather changes.

    If you haven't noticed, during the summer you take your car out to go to a local store, and all you see if people laughing and smiling... Havin' a good time, right?

    It's because of the sunny weather.

    Wouldn't you rather it be a sunny day out rather than a nasty rainy day?


  2. Because my mate is trying to get off with the girl I like and thinks I dont know...not that he has a chance with her but the cheek of it is badly annoying.

  3. Maybe the weather-lack of sun and only bad news on the media-soon grinds you down

  4. Its the economy. Many people are fearful about the future. Money problems and rising gas prices make for a very difficult time.

  5. people are living in a constant state of fear and a culture we are led to believe we are superior and have all the answers which causes a false sense of security..we have the gut sensation that something is wrong and we need to relax accept we don't know everything and be a lot more loving and understanding...Hope you feel better:)

  6. People on the internet are moody.

    Real live people outside.....not so much.

  7. The weather is getting me down cause I love being in the garden looking after my plants and I like going for walks even if it's to my Mother's and back. Also I came off my HRT and have been like a witch but I'm back on it now.

  8. Look around....

    People are struggling to pay the rent, feed their families, keep their health....that is all besides the war, disease, despair, and politicians destroying the future of our planet.

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