
Why is everyone so quick to blame humans for everything and ignore animals' impact?

by Guest44798  |  earlier

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The number of times I've seen this 'myths'-


Bull. Animals have war. Animals fight for less reasons than we do. Nearly /all/ animals do- even ants have wars! So it's not just humans that are terrible and fight, animals do it it too.


Tell any scientist, and they'll tell you (even if they don't believe in global warming) that animals, especially cows, produce the most methane gas which is damaging. Not humans. Yes, humans have their fossil fuels. But how many cows live on this earth, for how long, producing natural gas?


Not all the time. Not that simple. For example, the tapier is an endangered specie. It's not because they've been hunted by humans- they have nothing to offer humans- but because they have a LONG pregnancy and only give birth to one young at a time, and the mother is a high risk of death when she's in labour.

Yes, hunting etc. is a problem, but it isn't as simple as IT'S ALL HUMANS' FAULT. It's environmental factors- let's say the 'people impact' of less natural habitat, hunting etc.- and natural factors such as long pregnancy, bad fertility, little young or high mortality.


Someone here is bound to say 'well, animals are innocent, humans know what they're doing'.

Until very recently, we didn't know our impact on the earth. We didn't know about 'greenhouse gases' and 'carbon footprints'- we didn't know the damage we had done. We are innocent, and trying to make up for it.

War is just a protection method. It's horrible, but people /sign up/ for it- innocent, again, of being naive, maybe.

Even the endangerment of animals is a mistake from many years ago, when we thought it was okay, and now we know it isn't, and we're paying for our mistake and trying to help with breeding programs.




  1. I'm not sure what your question is, however I have to say that in your cow example, your logic is awry because cause are domestic animals - they're bred by humans and eaten by humans.  If cows were left to their own devices there wouldn't be as many of them,  h**l, they'd probably have become extinct by now they're that dumb.

    Also, regarding innocence, humans have known very well their impact on the earth - we've been changing ecosystems and then adapting to the results for ages now, the most obvious changes being brought about by the industrial revolution, starting in the 1800's.  

    Not sure what your gripe is about animals (all animals? vertebrates? insects? jellyfish?) however animals don't get blamed for "everything" because we can safely assume that animals just don't exist on the same plane of intelligance as humans do.  They're guided by the most basic functions of eat, sleep, reproduce.  They don't care if we blame them for all the ills of the world or none of them.

  2. hay stupid.did you forget that we us humans are animals to.and just to let you know we humans have ben killing animals since we became humans.we wiped out some animals and pushed most of them to the eage of no return but then we want to protect them just like the deer and elk and so on just so we can hunt them down and kill them.thats life so get over it.i hunt and fish and yes i eat what i kill.we humans messed up mother earth and all its life forms and in the end we will pay for it.

  3. WOW ! Your question is TOTALLY loaded !

    Animals and war ? Watch Meercat manor...

    Cows ? Cows are the way they are because of the way that HUMANS have manipulated evolution...Sorry, but the native byson produces half the methane of the "cow".

    Are you seriously suggesting that human encroachment on wetlands, forsests, and swamps haven't had a nearly lethal effect on wildlife ?

    Lets forget about greenhouse gasses and talk about raw sewage and chemical polutants traveling down the streams, into the rivers, and finally the oceans...Coral reafs disappearing ? I wonder why....

  4. Seriously? A cow is not a natural species. Bred by man for thousands of years, the cow now a days is way different then its natural ancestors.

    WARS? Animals fight for territories. Animals fight for mates. And food. To LIVE. The essentials of life, that is what animals fight for.

    Humans do not fight for these things. Humans fight to be dominant, the best, top "dog", in a world where it is simply uneeded. World War 2. The Hollicast. You are really comparing that to Meerkat Manner?

    True, some species would of died off naturaly anyways. BUT, the majority of endangered species are because of negative human impact. You can not use a small 5-10% of endangered animals to justify humans. A species dissapears in the rainforest and goes extinct EVERY DAY because of deforrestation caused by MAN.

    Animals are innocent. They do simply what nature has compelled them to do. They don't kill and torture others for "fun". They don't kill off entire races because they are "inferior". Animals do what they have to do to survive.

    Humans may not of known their impact on the earth, but everything else humans do to make us an inferior race, they knew about. Rape, murder, torture.

    I use to respect your answers, Law L, but sadly, this question has made me think a little less of you. Animals are  no where near humans. Nature has made animals just that, natural. Humans have violated every law of nature.

    ALSO, after every ice age, there is again a rise in temperatures. Scientist have plotted these rises and falls of climate over millions of years as ice ages have come and gone, but no rise has EVER been as steep and fast as it is now. Now is not the recession of an ice age. Now is the destruction of the earth by mankind. We are trying to fix it? And yet we still rip up land for oil, tear down forests for wood, pollute the oceans and hunt and kill without need.

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