
Why is everyone so racist?

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Seriously. It's getting on my nerves. I can't go shopping without someone making a retarted comment about me being block. Even sexism; people think that because I'm a woman I can't do anything right. Seriously, discrimination is bad. Get over it people.




  1. You're a block from blockland?  Incredible

    Just kidding, if someone is racist they only have a problem with their own skin colour

  2. black person,

    I know, being white, about all the stupid black people singin to me askin for money.

    When I say I have no money, they mutter "stupid white folk"

    MY POINT:  so it shows that some people racist, some people not, you just got to ignore the ones that yell.

  3. I have nothing against "blocks", personally.

  4. because one experience with one person of a certain ethnicity burns a stereotype into someones brain and they cannot see pass that.  first impressions do matter.  so one @_hole can ruin it for the rest of us.

  5. that's white people for ya  

  6. I got it all the time because I'm Asian and some Caucasians feels that they've been prejudiced by Mexicans.

  7. Asking why everyone is so racist is racist in itself.

  8. im not sure but its usually people that are scared of change and things that are different.

  9. yea really, **** people. they all suck....try to ignore it, people rarely ever change unfortunately. iv been pretty pissed off about it recently too actually..

  10. I'm with ya I'm not black but we should all be treated the same! i mean why should we be judged just cause we are women? i mean that isn't fare!

  11. its  less  of  a  problem  now  than  its  ever  been. you  are  lucky to  have  missed  the  worst  of it.  and  you  can  look  forward  to a much  better time  pretty  soon. It  is  my  beleif  that  the  election  of  a  black  president of  the  USA will  go  a long  way to  let people  know  that things  are  changing.  

    Obviously  not  as  quickly as  some  would  like,  but  the  only  way  anyone  affects  change  any  quicker  is  through  armed  revolt,  and that only  draws  new  lines  on  the map   but  it  usually  segregates  races  further  rather  than bringing  people  together.

    A victory for  the  democrats  behind  Barack  Obama  will show  black people  that  white  people  can  see reason, and  that we  can  recognize  and  reward  talent wherever it  exists. With only  14 % of  the  country's  population  Barack  Obama needs  a  large segment  of  the  white  vote.

    If  he  wins he  will prove  that  anything  is  possible  for  anyone, and  then just  maybe  black  culture  may  take  a  turn  toward striving en masse for  success  and away  from  embracing  ghetto culture  that  seems  to  be  the  cause  of  so much of  the stereotyping  and  racism thats  out  there  now.

    its  always  been about the  individual. The  sooner  everyone  realizes  that,  the  better. There  is  plenty  of  "white  trash"  out  there.  and  you  dont  have  to  look very  far to  find  it. They  do  the  same  things with  their  lives  that  the  ghetto  culture  embraces.  they  join  gangs,  they  drop out  of  school,  they  get  in  arguments  with  people  at  work  and  they  blame  everyone  else  in  the  world  for  their  problems because  its  easier than  working  toward  the  solution.

  12. I'll admit, I have a bit of a racist streak in me - but it applies to EVERYONE. I mean, I'm half German, and I still make n**i jokes about people with blond hair and blue eyes.

    What I don't get is why people make racist remarks to people. I mean, if someone is your good friend, it's more okay to be like "Yeah, look at those chinks", but you never say that to someone else.

    I'm completely against sexism. Some guys need to learn that just because they have two heads, that doesn't make them smarter.  

  13. block?

  14. I've never seen a Block person?

  15. i know what its like ..its seriously frustrating and i dont think its ever going to go away ..crappy world

    i agree with paimimor

  16. No idea.

  17. im sorry you are block...and let's face it...nobody likes block women...not even block men...they'd rather be in jail  

  18. I really am against racism and i hope you all are too!

    even tho i am not black i care for them, we are ALL human and we all need to respect one another, im 11. God put us all here for a purpose and he had no intension for us to treat each other that way!

      I read the whole bible 1 and a half times. I am a christain and a strong believer!!

  19. Nah, not everyone is racist. Some people just say that maybe because they have nothing better to do, or probably they are insecure lol. The only thing you can do is to ignore them yeah, and always know that no matter what race you are, you AREN'T inferior. And on sexism, just prove to them that women are just as good, if not better than men. ;)

  20. Not everybody is like that and ignore it. Move on you can't let one negative person or a few affect the way you interact with people. I was told by someone that everybody isn't always going to like you. Everybody has haters.

  21. im kinda racist in the way that i love all black people because theyre black.  

  22. You are probably racist or sexist yourself.  I am a little prejudice and am not scared to admit it.  I don't think that anyone race/s*x/religion is better than another.  However, if a black guy walks up to me with his pants down to his ankles and a hat sideways I am going to assume that he is below average intelligence.  At that point it is up to him to prove me wrong.  If a white guy with a mullet walks up to me wearing overalls without a shirt same rule applies.  I wouldn't say that I am racist (I am in an interracial marriage) but the way people present themselves leads people to think a certain way about them before they get to know them.

  23. Everyone isn't.  Just some people.  And in some places, a lot of people.   And some age groups are worse about it than others.

    Whether it is racism or sexism or any other kind of ism, and believe me, people will create isms where isms don't seem to exist, well.....

    It all comes down to how YOU want to respond and how YOU choose to feel about it.  They won't change until they are ready, and you are allowed to tune them out if you choose.  

    Control what you can control (your own reaction) and don't worry about what other people say.  

    Some people think that we have to focus on the harms done to us now and to our ancestors, to come to grips with our deep-rooted hurts.  I think we need to STOP making a big deal out of persecutions and other people's racist/sexist/discriminatory behavior toward us...either ignore the person, or deliver a quiet, confident sentence that puts them in their place....and then just walk on by.   I've learned that there is nothing I can do about certain things, so when I start feeling irritated at how people treat me based on something I can't change, I take a step back and realize that for every jerk, there are a ton of nice people of all types, colors, sizes, etc.  

    If other people are creeps, that is their problem, and the sooner I let it go, the better it is for me and my dignity and self-respect and peace of mind.    

  24. It will never go away so just deal with it. Set yourself up with some comebacks so that you can make them feel dumb for their racist antics.

  25. really letting it get to you isn't the way to go about it or secluding yourself to only your race isn't the thing to do either.

    I think you are over reacting and everyone can't be so racist if we are going to have a black president.

    To get things done right takes a college education and a lot of people don't have those these days.

    Having an attitude like that will never get you ahead. People look at me different, but I tell them to go f themselves and call it a day and move on.

    Peace, love everybody and harmony!!

  26. we live in a society full of lazy selfish people. everyone wants everything fast and simple. and compassion for others has basically dissapeared. people don't care about others, about who they are or what they stand for, about what they've been through. they just assume that bc this person is black, mexican, chinese, white etc. that they are just like that person they saw on the news that just so happened to be the same race. one person always has to ruin it for the rest.  

  27. Why do some people see bigots everywhere?

    Really, I don't go out into the world looking for a confrontation, perhaps that is why I don't run into as many jerks as you seem to.

    Maybe a change of scenery would help your outlook, or give you a fresh bunch of  people to interact with.

  28. Because there is still a lot of brain dead morons out there thats why! I have never understood, how a color,makes a difference.Can someone explain that to us please? You dont have gray matter in your heads,you have ****!

    Now,to all u brain dead moronic racists out there, let me ask YOU something.Who put u in a position 2 pass judgement, and even more so, where did you ever get the idea that you are actually better? Another thing to think about, seeings how you are so racist, do any of you have pets? I would LOVE to know the statistics,of how many white racists, actually have a black cat or dog.You hate black remember? So Im guessing none of you dont, yeah right! Well this makes you now, hypocritical morons.

    Its time you moved with the times and if brain transplants were possible your are in luck.

    Another question.You need urgent surgery and the only doctor who can save your life, is black, would you refuse the help?

    It is a color u get so upset about and the world is full of many wonderful ones.

    We are all born equal weather you like it or not.We treat everyone with dignity and respect regardless of what every they are or do.

    All of my friends come from such different backgrounds and I love them all.Two of my friend are African American and the nicest people I know.

    It really is as simple as,a colour.How can u get so upset and hateful, over a colour.

    I find it so sad that there are still people out there that think like this.

    Free yourselves, love & liberate, life is too short.

    By the way,I am white & if some of you dont like my comment, well I really dont care. Jason c you are a good person and dont forget it, your my mate!

  29. I'm sorry people don't give you respect because you're a "block" however, it happens to everyone. Unless it hurts you physically or is extremely rude I say you ignore it. Everyone is discriminated against one way or another in their life.

  30. People are racist because they are ignorant and afraid of others who are different than them.

    Thats why we live in a conformist society.

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