
Why is everyone so set on saying that 2012 everything will be over because of a shift in earth's poles?

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I've seen plenty of questions about an expected shift in the earth's poles and am surprised of these reports that indicate this to be the "end of the world". As I understand this magnetic shift thing, the sun went through one in Feb.2001. Since the sun has a cycle of doing these polar shifts, the next one can be expected in 2012, because the sun does this every 11 years. Now, why would that be the end of the world? We survived 2001, right. I understand that our axis has shifted already by 4 degrees, but that doesn't mean that we will all go under and what exactly is happening that everyone insists that 2012 is our final year? I'd like to see my grands graduate from high school, and that's little ways to go, because one is 3 and the other is 3 months old....can anyone explain things to me a little better? Thank you!!!!!




  1. This whole entire 2012 thing is borderline insanity.

    You don't have to worry about it because no human being even scientists can't predict the end of the world. They are always wrong. Also, the polls are switching all the time and it doesn't mean it will be it for life on Earth. Through out geological history there have been many shifts in the Earths polls and life has survived it. It is true the Mayan Calendar is ending but, it doesn't mean it is going to be the end of the world. The Mayan Calendar has to end sometime.

    Also, if 2012 were the end we would have known about this a long time ago. Since you said you went online to look at facts, but there were not any there you go. You found what you are looking for and that proves this 2012 insanity is all made up.

    Don't worry about it, watch your grandchildren suceed and live sucessfully and not in fear. Hope I helped!!

  2. The Mayans didn't predict that 2012 would be the end of the world, but they did predict that something catastrophic would happen.

  3. I am so glad you asked this question.  I to have been wondering about this.  I know that the Mayan calender says that our world will end as we know it & and also afew other calenders from acient civilization that had nothing else in common except 2012 being the end.  I can't find much on it ther is a book called 2012 in the bookstore about the mayan calender but nothing else.  I will be checking your answers as well.  Great question!!!

  4. The whole 2012 thing is just nonsense.

    You are correct that the sun will change polarity.

    But some people have taken this to mean the Earth will have a pole shift (which it may, we don't know for sure, but even that won't be catastrophic).

    There is also the issue of the end of the Mayan calendar.

    But there is a lot of propaganda out there with NO supporting evidence.

    2012 is about as dangerous as Y2K or June 6th 2006 - it's all stuff and nonsense. I'm just pleased to see someone using their head and looking for the facts. Keep it up and spread the word. The most exciting thing in 2012 will probably be the London Olympics.

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