
Why is everyone so upset about Sarah, could it be that she is a "Force to be reckoned with", a genuine threat?

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Hillary choose "Party before Country", sorry that is not a great leader, Sarah is going to knock some corrupted heads together in Washington, and expose a lot of dirty secrets?

Or is it because she is going to get the Evangelist vote? Or the millions of gun toting guys in small and big towns, or women who are so sick of all that Sexist c**p, now in full force for a 2nd time?




  1. she is almost everything that I want in a leader.. she is smart, tenacious,tough, and deeply religious.... well 3 out of four isnt too bad...  

  2. Is this question a joke? It totally amazes me that educated Americans can see this train wreck as a "Force to be reckoned with".

    Yeah she will expose dirty secrets.........her own. She already has way too many.

    Also I guess its ok to support Alaska being seperated from the US. So she put her state before her country. Trust, I didnt care for Hillary but this woman is NO Hillary. Hillary would tear her a new one.

  3. yea she has a great personality....and this election is about personalities...not issues...

  4. I find her to be just this side of a fascist... so yeah, you could say I'm "upset" with the thought of her as VP.  Book banning? Creationism? Extreme anti abortion stance? Against s*x ed in high schools?

    Obama/Biden 08

  5. i think not!

    is this question a joke?

  6. They're upset and angry because she's more qualified than their top guy.They can't argue issues so they've resorted to smears. (See entries above).

  7. Not upset, outraged.  She has caused Obama to collect almost $100 million in the 24 hours following her speech.  McCain only got $85 million in federal matching funds.  Thank you.

  8. She really cant do anything, but she is a breath of fresh air versus the pompous party do nothings. She is real America.

  9.   It appears that way !   Obama has sent his legions of lemmings out to discredit her in every conceivable way possible.  This guy doesn't know how to react and worse yet, they don't know how she will be in a cat fight againt blundering Biden !

    I'll bet Obama wishes he had picked Hillary now that he knows who is real opponent is !  Maybe he can have Biden fake a heart attack or something and ask Hillary to jump in as his surrogate !

  10. I would say that mainly it's because she's less intelligent than Paris Hilton.  

  11. Why are you attacking Hillary? Your Mistress Sarah is sticking her tongue up Hillary's rump so deep, but you apparently didn't get the memo.

    You're supposed to be sucking up to Hillary to get her most stupid supporters to vote for anti-women McCain instead.

  12. that's is the reason I see it, demos are really a fraid of this women,  but least us not forget that our vote does count anyway cause the electoral college is the tie breaker

  13. People are upset for a number of reasons.  Her experience is very limited, she's an ultra conservative, she seems to have a lot of problems including ethics issues, and she appears to be a strange choice if McCain was trying to attract Hillary supporters.  

  14. they are squawking like chickens when the fox paid a visit

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