
Why is everyone so uptight about Russian naval blockade?

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We did the same exact thing when they were militarily supporting Cuba in a little missile crisis...remember? Now that most of Russia's satellite countries are in a political mess (Yugo, Ukraine, Serbia, Georgia etc) and USA has silos well within striking distance of Moscow (Turkey). Russia is fully aware of NATO and USA supporting Georgia financially and militarily...and people expect the Ruskies to just sit there while all this happens?




  1. The States didn't flood tanks and troops into the Cuban missile sites though.

    A blockade is one thing, as long as it isn't aimed at starving a country.

    But the Cuban Missile Crisis was different. The cause of it is similar, but not the outcome. The Americans didn't really attack anyone and while tensions were high, it was defused without any serious damage.  

  2. Nice try dude, but no, the US did not invade Cuba and try to strangle it. Actually I am a bit surprised you made this very lame attempt to compare the two. Making note.  

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